My film is explaining that there are different opinions of how people are hopeful. There are lots of ways we are hopeful and some are the same. It relates to the...
Reflections Gallery
Brexlee Garner - Plain City Elementary PTA
Dance - Primary - Award of Merit
I chose this song because my great grandma and grandpa loved this song so much and it played at both of their funerals. It has meant so much to me and has given me...
Finn Reid - Snow Canyon Middle PTSA
2D - Middle School - Award of Merit
I can be hopeful because I know that no matter how hard, stressful or anxious life can be, I can always look forward to the future. In the future, I would love to...
James Olsen - Skyline High PTSA
Film - High School - Award of Merit
My short stop-motion animation displays a locomotive which travels throughout the countryside and industrializes everything. The scenic countryside transforms into...
Josie Preece - Hidden Valley Middle School PTSA
Literature - Middle School - Honorable Mention
A little bit better is a story that I wrote about the good and bad effects of change. The main character (Skylar) finds herself in a heartbreaking situation and...
Talia Quebe - Cascade Elementary PTA
Music - Primary - Honorable Mention
I wrote this because I think it would be really cool for people to live on Mars. It relates to the theme because I am hopeful for it because they have been working...
Queralt Vila-Monmany - Snow Canyon Middle PTSA
Literature - Middle School - Honorable Mention
I wrote a reflection of what I am hopeful for in Spanish. This relates to the theme because I looked at my past, and my future and I saw how hopeful I was of having...
Swayzie Jacobson - Little Valley Elementary PTA
Photography - Intermediate - Honorable Mention
I am hopeful because... WE are the FUTURE! When I look to the future I am CONFIDENT because we have a world with kind, smart, helpful people! OUR WORLD is AMAZING...
Kathryn Wagstaff - Crescent Elementary PTA
2D - Primary - Award of Excellence
I am hopeful because I can take care of this beautiful world. I can plant and water flowers. I can pick up garbage and help others.
Ashlyn Stephens - Draper Elementary PTA
Dance - Intermediate - Award of Merit
I am hopeful because I believe in myself. Every day before I step on the ice, I tell myself, "I am brave, I am confident, I have everything that I need. I...
Rowan Pheysey - Lehi Junior High PTSA
Photography - Middle School - Award of Merit
This is a piece to represent how healing the wounds brings hope to the world. The flower represents the hope that exists after healing, as healing is represented by...
Naomi Harper - Shelley Elementary PTA
Dance - Intermediate - Award of Merit
I am hopeful because I know I can do anything I set my mind to even if it seems too hard for me to do. I can believe, hope, and try. Like with the dance goals that...
Zayla Franklin - Wasatch Elementary PTA
Literature - Primary - Award of Merit
Summer is my favorite time of year I feel so happy when I know school is over, and it is going to be a blast swimming, eating popsicles. When winter feels cold,...
Dottie Shelton - Westmore Elementary PTA
Film - Primary - Award of Excellence
Hope is believing in something that you can't see. It might start out messy or a blur, but it can create something beautiful. I can create things and make...
Harper Eberly - Armstrong (Neil) Academy PTA
3D - Intermediate - Honorable Mention
In the spring, flowers always grow back. I wanted to make a hill of flowers to remember that no matter how hard life gets, there will always be hope that spring...
Alaina Godfrey - McMillan Elementary PTA
2D - Primary - Honorable Mention
I am hopeful because we live in a beautiful world. Just look outside your window, no matter where you live, you can feel it too.
Penny Ence - Canyon View Elementary PTA
Photography - Primary - Award of Excellence
I am hopeful because all our wishes can come true. My brother is blowing a wishing dandelion and he’s making a wish and I took a picture of it.
Alexa Ingleby - Welby Elementary PTA
3D - Middle School - Award of Merit
I am hopeful for world peace because people like to work together. I sculpt dragons for a hobby. I chose a mushroom themed dragon for this sculpture because...
Annie Jia - Emerson Elementary
2D - Intermediate - Award of Excellence
I am hopeful because I believe that even in the darkest of nights, the sun will rise in the morning. I have hope because I have many dreams, dreams of art, music,...
Elliott Weir - Longview Elementary PTA
Film - Primary - Award of Merit
My name is Elliott Weir. I made this video because I love animals and I hope that our generation protects the planet and prevents global warming.
Elisabeth Merrill - Viewpoint Middle PTSA
Film - Middle School - Honorable Mention
I made a stop motion video of bunnies and hedgehogs who don't get along because the bunnies are afraid of the hedgehogs' quills, and are afraid they'...
Juliette Lowry - North Elementary PTA
Photography - Intermediate - Honorable Mention
“Changes”, took on Monroe Mountain, represents life. I recently moved. That was a huge choice for my family. Sometimes, we can only find the bad in life. Sometimes...
Kate Bayles - Westfield Elementary PTA
Literature - Intermediate - Honorable Mention
My poem is about how a little seed can turn into a beautiful tree with blossoms, colorful leaves, and fruit. But it only grew, because I had hope.
Jemma Dekany - Providence Elementary PTA
Film - Intermediate - Honorable Mention
I am hopeful because I see kindness around me and kindness spreads. If someone is kind, both people are happier. When people are happier, they’ll be kind and help...
Liduvina Burgion - Fairfield Junior High PTSA
Music - Accessible Arts - Award of Merit
I have hope in Christ. He is why I hope.
Morgan Becker - Davis Connect PTSA
Photography - High School - Award of Merit
My photograph captures three geese swimming in water that reflects the sky. The reflection of the sky fills the water with images of clouds. As the geese float...
Cassie Hager - Butler Middle PTSA
Photography - Accessible Arts - Honorable Mention
I am hopeful because... there is still beauty all around me in Utah that is not ruined by trash. I am glad we still have water that's clear and not murky, and...
Luke Error - Orchard Elementary PTA
Film - Intermediate - Award of Merit
My idea for "The Big Shot" came from my own personal experience with trying to learn a sport. I wasn't very good when I started out, but I was...
Luke Boyer - McMillan Elementary PTA
3D - Primary - Honorable Mention
I am hopeful because some engineers build robots to help doctors treat patients. Engineers also build robots to help the army carry heavy luggage and supplies. This...
Randon Ott - Adams (Sarah Jane) Elementary PTA
Film - Middle School - Award of Excellence
I wonder, does hope grow as we grow. I asked my friends from kindergarten to 12th grade and found my answer. I hope you enjoy this film that I made.
Malik Lucero - Bingham High PTSA
Dance - High School - Award of Merit
When I was younger I struggled with severe depression and even suicidal thoughts. I remember one day listening to this song on the bus ride home back to an empty...
Katie Moore - Mountain View High PTSA
Photography - Accessible Arts - Award of Merit
There is so much fighting everywhere around us. I am hopeful because I know that these people, and so many more are willing to fight to protect me and my freedom.
Braylyn Larson - Sunrise Ridge Intermediate PTA
Dance - Middle School - Award of Merit
I love the song that I chose because it has ups and downs in the song that shows sometimes things are hard but we can pick ourself up. I wanted to video the dance...
Lexie Wood - Bountiful High PTSA
Literature - High School - Honorable Mention
This is a poem that I wrote about my brother and what it's been like since he died. When he first died, I couldn't see how things would get better, but...
Brinley Stiles - Mountain View High PTSA
3D - High School - Award of Excellence
The artwork that I created is a 3D ceramic banana phone. I made this to represent how communication relates to me in my personal life. I am hopeful because we live...
Strahinja Dragicevic - West Lake STEM Junior High PTSA
Literature - Middle School - Award of Merit
This essay defines hope as tenacity, perseverance and optimism through life's guaranteed struggles.
Blithe Bigelow - Farmington High PTSA
Music - High School - Award of Merit
It's been a crazy year. I began this song to give voice to my struggles, but as it developed, a new message emerged from the lyrics. I found myself singing...
Autumn Phillips - Mount Logan Middle PTSA
Music - Middle School - Honorable Mention
Máirseáil Dóchais is a composition I wrote about people fighting for the various causes they believe in. The title is in Irish and translates to "March of Hope...
Ansel Theodore - Brookwood Elementary PTA
3D - Intermediate - Honorable Mention
I am hopeful because I think we will use our natural resources wisely now and in the future. I made a chair using our natural resources, sticks and leaves. I like...
Myra Jeanfreau - West Point Elementary PTA
Film - Intermediate - Honorable Mention
I am hopeful because of the non-profit organization started in 1971 by my great-grandfather Kirby Potter and his brother, Rhett, to serve those who are mentally ill...
Joshua Johnson - Taylorsville High PTSA
Literature - High School - Award of Excellence
Every day I see examples of hope in the hallways of my high school. In my poem, I wanted to capture the stories and faces of individuals that inspire me to keep...
Evie Uchino-Llenos - Highland High PTSA
Literature - High School - Award of Merit
This is based on the struggle of mental illness. I think that it's unrealistic to view mental illness as something that can be cured overnight or from a simple...
Dayton Wright - Maple Grove Middle PTA
2D - Accessible Arts - Award of Merit
I love space. I'm hopeful that I can be part of NASA and explore space. I want to discover new planets.
Kate Moser - Westland Elementary PTA
Photography - Intermediate - Honorable Mention
This photo shows El Capitan in Yosemite National Park. The rock itself is about 100 million years old. However, the formation is much newer. Over those many years...
Bridger Pedroza - Bingham High PTSA
Literature - Accessible Arts - Award of Excellence
When j was writing this poem I was thinking about a life changing me with everything that I’ve been through like when I’m talking about reading it was hard but now...
Tesla Brewer - Jordan Hills Elementary PTA
Dance - Intermediate - Honorable Mention
I am hopeful because of my friends because when they say I can do this or you got this, I feel hopeful that I can do it. I am hopeful because of my family...
William Griffiths - Centennial Middle PTA
2D - Middle School - Honorable Mention
In my art, I depict a juniper tree's resilience in a harsh environment. These trees grow in the dessert straight out of rocks! I am hopeful because like the...
Maren Walker - Taylorsville High PTSA
3D - High School - Honorable Mention
The well of potential flows out of us. Our hope is that by sharing our potential and talents with others it will make everything around us grow and be beautiful....
Angela Zhou - West High PTSA
2D - High School - Award of Excellence
I am hopeful because of medical professionals' expertise and empathy, they serve as beacons of assurance and are protectors of humankind. This painting...
Morgan Becker - Davis Connect PTSA
3D - High School - Award of Merit
I am hopeful because of the beauty of nature. My art piece titled "Dreams Unleashed" depicts a natural mountainous landscape with a flowing waterfall made...
Xinqi Wang - West High PTSA
2D - Middle School - Award of Merit
A few years back, my mom had cancer and went through chemotherapy, she was always tired, either sleeping or at the hospital. In those dark times, I found peace and...
Liviana Ramirez - Canyon View Elementary PTA
Literature - Intermediate - Honorable Mention
A bit of context for this work of poetry, my life can be exhausting and excruciating sometimes. I have Type One Diabetes and cochlear implants, and I have to manage...
Audrey Pearson - Whittier Elementary PTA
Music - Intermediate - Award of Merit
I wrote lyrics and organized each verse around something that makes me hopeful. The first verse is about how others support my hope. The second is about how I have...
Paizlee Jones - Windridge Elementary PTA
Dance - Intermediate - Honorable Mention
I feel hopeful when I’m dancing because it makes me feel brave and strong. When I hear the music I feel courage in my heart. When the lights shine bright on your...
Owen Pack - Bonneville Junior High PTSA
Music - Middle School - Honorable Mention
I made this song to reflect some of the feelings I have felt in the past few months: sad, angry, but also hopeful. I tried to pour my heart into my piece the goal...
Mia Ambler - Orchard Elementary PTA
Dance - Intermediate - Honorable Mention
Like in the music I often feel like I am misunderstood and not accepted for who I am, but I am hopeful for my future that I can make a difference and make others...
Audrey Ward - Canyon View Elementary PTA
Dance - Primary - Honorable Mention
When I was in 1st grade I started to have bad anxiety. My worries make me not want to go to school and dance. When my mom asked me why I am hopeful I said I am not...
Agatha Hunnicutt - West High PTSA
3D - High School - Award of Merit
Amalie Emmy Noether was an amazing mathematician and scientist around the early 1900s. Being a woman in science and math, Noether was not appreciated in her own...
EmilyKate Jorgensen - Pleasant Grove High PTSA
2D - High School - Honorable Mention
I am hopeful for the future because we are progressing with technology that will improve our lives. Technology and research helps us discover treatments and cures...
Scarlet Anderson - Windridge Elementary PTA
3D - Intermediate - Award of Excellence
I am hopeful because when we obtain knowledge, it takes another big step to making a great future for humanity. The library represents that anyone can learn and...
Creed Ford - Timpview High School PTSA
Film - High School - Award of Excellence
I am hopeful because of friends. Making friends can really change your expereinces, and it can help you through some hard times. Reginald may not have a ton of...
Jade Marshall - Viewmont Elementary PTA
2D - Intermediate - Honorable Mention
I am hopeful because life is bright. There is so much to be happy about. It is very colorful and inspiring...a smile. It spreads hope to others and makes everyone...
Alli Sorenson - Riverton High PTSA
Music - High School - Award of Excellence
The message of my original composition is I am hopeful because I realize I am enough just as I am. It’s easy to look at what others have around me, but that doesn’t...
Talia Quinones - Eagle Bay Elementary PTA
Film - Primary - Honorable Mention
My little sister has Down Syndrome and she doesn't talk yet. I love sign language because I can use it to talk to her. I thought it would be fun to have people...
Emmalyse Davis - South Weber Elementary PTA
2D - Intermediate - Award of Merit
I am hopeful because I know I can embrace change. Change is not a bad thing. To change oneself is to have hope in a better life and a bright future full of...
Abigail Adams - Desert Hills High PTSA
Dance - High School - Award of Merit
Often as a high school senior I feel hopeless and lost when thinking about my future. College and finding a career seem so overwhelming and complicated. I'm...
Zoram Ivie - Mount Mahogany Elementary PTA
Literature - Accessible Arts - Honorable Mention
I am hopeful because I have learned to forgive. This story teaches about forgiveness.
Miriam Brandt - Skyridge High PTSA
2D - High School - Award of Merit
I have hope because, despite distress and despair, light still shines in the world. In creating this artwork, I portrayed hope taking physical form, with light as...
Arianna Shamy - Mountain Ridge High PTSA
Music - High School - Honorable Mention
There is so much war in the world today. Whether it is a physical war or a mental one. I titled my piece "Aftermath" to convey the battle that comes after...
Rebin Khataei - Beacon Heights Elementary PTA
Photography - Primary - Award of Merit
This September,I was playing in our playground with other kids and heavy rain started and everyone jumped inside. My family stayed and watched the lovely rain,and...
Claire Bracken - Golden Fields Elementary PTA
3D - Middle School - Honorable Mention
I am hopeful because animals that were close to extinction can come back with human help. I crocheted these pandas to show that animals can come back, like pandas...
Christoffer Perry - Morningside Elementary PTA
2D - Primary - Honorable Mention
I learned about seeds in Science at school. I started to collect seeds and then I decided to use them for Reflections. I used Maple, Rain Tree, Sunflower, Apple,...
Hayden Maxfield - West Point Elementary PTA
3D - Middle School - Award of Merit
This piece is a tunnel with train tracks running through it. On one side, the plants look bleak and dead. On the other, flowers bloom and trees grow. The main focus...
Ashton Dunford - Maple Grove Middle PTA
Literature - Accessible Arts - Award of Merit
I love running in my cross country team and I feel hope when my guide helps me finish a race. Being blind doesn’t mean I can’t run or do sports.
Blake Hansen - Castle Heights Elementary PTA
Dance - Primary - Award of Merit
I am hopeful because I can become an astronaut and reach for the stars. A few of my goals are that I want to become an astronaut and be as good as my Dad on the...
Elliot Johns - Jensen (Joel P.) Middle PTSA
Music - Middle School - Award of Merit
I recently moved from Elementary School to Junior High. The majority of my friends from class last year went to different schools. I was really worried. Would I...
Eli Wheeler - West High PTSA
Photography - Middle School - Honorable Mention
This is a photograph panorama taken at the top of Ensign Canyon at sunset and represents hope through its light. This is one of 3 correlated entries. It represents...
Charlotte Lemon - Kay's Creek Elementary PTA
Literature - Primary - Honorable Mention
I am hopeful because I can have courage when I face new experiences. Sometimes we all face scary and new things like moving to a new house, starting a new school...
Berkley Peery - Sage Creek Elementary PTA
Film - Primary - Award of Merit
I am hopeful because of helping hands. This means we can give hope to others when we use our hands to serve. When we do good with our hands it can make us happier...
William Baggaley - Olympus High PTSA
Music - High School - Honorable Mention
I wrote this when I was at my lowest point and I wanted to give up. Life was out of control and I was feeling lonely, depressed, and angry. I was ready to throw in...
Ada Hodges - Bluff Ridge Elementary PTA
2D - Primary - Award of Merit
Sometimes I get scared or feel like I am worried. When I have courage like a lion I feel like I can do anything. It helps me not feel scared.
Rohan Fisher - Morningside Elementary PTA
Film - Intermediate - Award of Merit
My goal with making this video was to persuade other people to less water in the future, so the Salt Lake won't dry out later.
Avery Van Cott - Freedom Elementary PTA
Dance - Intermediate - Award of Excellence
I am hopeful because I am surrounded by people that love me and are always there for my highs and lows. I am learning to be one of those people that are kind and...
Bennett Yorgason - Calvin Smith Elementary PTA
Dance - Accessible Arts - Award of Merit
Artist statement is not required for special artist but it won't let me submit without writing something. Bennett loves to dance and he always lights up the...
Will Parkinson - Logan High PTSA
Photography - High School - Honorable Mention
I am hopeful because I know that I possess the strength to conquer any obstacle or challenge that crosses me on this journey through life. The sight of a train...
Caroline Evans - East High PTSA
Dance - High School - Honorable Mention
In the darkest times, family and friends can provide the hope and support needed to persevere.
Esther Hansen - Oakridge Elementary PTA
Film - Intermediate - Honorable Mention
This film is about pollinators. I made it because I wanted other people to help save our precious pollinators. This video also describes how the bees make pollen...
Tega Hamlin - Olympus High PTSA
Music - High School - Award of Merit
This song, I think, fits the theme perfectly. To have hope, you need to be able to forgive. This song tells the story of someone who wishes to be able to forgive...
Dylan Wright - Maple Grove Middle PTA
Film - Accessible Arts - Award of Merit
Hopeful kitty finds a home.
Hadley Smith - Driggs (Howard R.) Elementary PTA
Dance - Primary - Honorable Mention
I am hopeful because I have friends who help me and make me happy. I just moved here from Florida and making new friends in school has helped me be excited about my...
Karlee Bawden - Stansbury High PTSA
2D - High School - Honorable Mention
I am hopeful because aging is something we all face. It is inevitable to human nature. We all have a chance to change the future but we can only look back on the...
Dylan Wright - Maple Grove Middle PTA
Photography - Accessible Arts - Award of Excellence
I learned to stay hopeful when I got injured really bad a few months ago. I went from wheelchair and leg braces to walking again. I remained hopeful every step of...
Elena Pyper - Sand Ridge Junior High PTSA
2D - Middle School - Award of Excellence
I am hopeful because I know I can make a difference. I know that my actions can have an impact, and even simple actions can be important. Some of the things people...
Capella Chaudhry - Hillcrest High PTSA
Film - High School - Award of Merit
Seeing other people in the world spreading their love and hopefulness is something that helps me to feel hope. So, for this film, I decided to go out and ask people...
Savannah Ence - Canyon View Elementary PTA
3D - Primary - Award of Excellence
I get a lot of really big feelings, maybe even bigger than the universe, but I know that no matter what feelings I have, I matter. Even if it feels like the...
Greta Brown - Oakwood Elementary PTA
Literature - Intermediate - Award of Merit
In my story, the main charachter struggles to find hope. She is terrified of an upcoming challenge, and does not have much hope. In the end, however, she realizes...
Cassie Hager - Butler Middle PTSA
2D - Accessible Arts - Award of Merit
I am hopeful because... I know that one day I will find the love that my mom and dad have for each other. I painted this picture for my mom and dad.
Afton Palmer - Sierra Bonita Elementary PTA
3D - Intermediate - Award of Merit
I am hopeful because I know my heritage. Jose’ Hernándz was the first Hispanic astronaut to go to space. This is his imaginary rocket from childhood. He dreamed...
Lucy Baldwin - Cedar Ridge Elementary PTA
Music - Primary - Honorable Mention
My song is about when my hamster Robert goes on lots of adventures. He goes through lots of hard things. He goes through tunnels and arches. He goes in a castle...
Bryce Bowden - Washington Fields Intermediate PTSA
Photography - Middle School - Award of Excellence
I am hopeful because I hope someone will find a cure for type 1 diabetes one day. Even with the technology of insulin, CGMs, and insulin pumps, diabetes can still...
Gunner Douglas - Northridge Elementary PTA
3D - Intermediate - Award of Merit
I am hopeful because sunsets mean there is a new day coming for me to try again. Some days are really hard and you want to just start a new day, while other days...
Cohen James - Roy High PTSA
Film - High School - Honorable Mention
Sometimes hope isn't just something. Hope can be trust and faith in someone. As people we can give hope to others, help them see the good in the world and...
Abigail Andrewsen - Riverton High PTSA
Photography - High School - Award of Excellence
I think sometimes life can feel pretty dark during certain times. I think hope can help us see the light that is always there. I am hopeful because hope gives me...
Rowan Hull - Edith Bowen Elementary PTA
Music - Accessible Arts - Award of Excellence
I jump on a trampoline, as high as can be. I jumped so high, I reached the sky. I jumped so high, I felt I could fly. I hope that I can fly and reach my dreams.
Brooklyn Sander - Orchard Elementary PTA
2D - Accessible Arts - Honorable Mention
The changing leaves make me hopeful because they mean the seasons are changing and there is always tomorrow to try again.
Evelyn Boardman - Quail Hollow Elementary PTA
Music - Intermediate - Honorable Mention
I am hopeful because, I am learning to talk to myself nicely and tell myself positive things. Not just compliments, but also being patient with myself. I understand...
Madison Lundquist - Elk Ridge Middle PTSA
3D - High School - Honorable Mention
My sculpture relates to hope by showing my feelings of love and hope, by seeing parents bond with their children. My father would read “Harry Potter" to me...
Samuel Hanks - Brookwood Elementary PTA
Literature - Primary - Award of Merit
I am hopeful because there are nice people in the world and I believe in myself!
Bailey Pugh - Blackridge Elementary PTA
Film - Middle School - Award of Merit
When you work together you can do anything as shown when these 2 characters build a house.
Addyson Keith - Thunder Ridge Elementary PTA
Music - Intermediate - Award of Excellence
I've always been a little bit scared to sing in front of other people. But as I was working on this song, it gave me hope that I would be able to sing stronger...
Reese Welch - Iron Springs Elementary PTA
2D - Intermediate - Honorable Mention
When I make a wish on a dandelion, it’s the same as hoping for something. I make a special wish, and hope it comes true, it doesn’t matter how big or how small it...
Noah Soukup - Cottonwood Elementary PTA
Literature - Intermediate - Honorable Mention
I wrote this poem to inspire other people to understand that they are capable of big things. We can become the best versions of ourselves if we dream it, have hope...
Theo Prince - Greenville Elementary PTA
2D - Intermediate - Honorable Mention
I'm hopeful because I know that some things in life are dark and scary, but when we have hope we can make those scary things joyful and colorful. In my drawing...
Wesley Pearson - Highland Park Elementary PTA
Music - Primary - Award of Merit
My song relates to I am hopeful because it is about how I feel hope every day. My friends and good people around me are some of the things that make me hopeful, so...
Charlotte Fischio - Skyline High PTSA
Dance - High School - Honorable Mention
I have hope because I believe good things are coming my way. I am in control of few things, but the thing I am in constant control of is my attitude. I can choose...
Ian Sena - Centennial Middle PTA
3D - Middle School - Award of Excellence
I am hopeful because there are new ideas coming and that they can cause an impacted to change the world as we know it. I made this art piece because of how much I...
Corwin Richardson - Rees Elementary PTA
3D - Accessible Arts - Award of Merit
I am hopeful that the world will receive change. I am hopeful that there will be a green, grassy side of the world, but also that technology will improve. I believe...
Wesley Bilbao - Bonneville Elementary PTA
Photography - Intermediate - Award of Excellence
I took a picture while I was hiking to Delicate Arch. You can see Delicate Arch through this other arch. This made me hopeful because I could see I was almost there...
Makayla Nelson - Canyon Creek Elementary PTA
Dance - Middle School - Honorable Mention
I chose the song Hope by Emeli Sande for my dance choreography because it refers to hope. Hope helps people to see the light in life. The song resonates to what I...
Andrew Rudolph - Crimson Cliffs Middle PTSA
Music - Middle School - Award of Merit
When I first thought of the theme, I thought that the answer was my religion. It helps me have hope through almost anything. In the lyrics, there is the line "...
Grace Horlacher - Crimson Cliffs High PTSA
2D - High School - Honorable Mention
This painting conveys the moment when a composer takes the first breath of his piece. That first stroke of the baton is full of hope. Hope that the hours of work...
Brecklyn Staggs - Rosamond Elementary PTA
Dance - Middle School - Award of Merit
I am Hopeful because…in a world full of wars, I’m grateful that there is still love to be shared. I chose this song because it reminds me that I can show love by...
Anna Cox - Alpine Elementary PTA
Photography - Intermediate - Award of Merit
I took this picture by putting a flashlight next to my piano so it shined through the space between the fallboard and upper panel. I was inspired to do so because...
Lydia Petroff - Plain City Elementary PTA
Music - Intermediate - Award of Merit
This song reminds me of a day; it starts and ends almost the same. In the day there are good parts and bad parts just like the melody has happy parts and more...
Grayson Tyler - Longview Elementary PTA
Photography - Intermediate - Award of Merit
I am HOPEFUL because of books! Books can help us learn new things, get creativity, see other people’s perspectives, know other religions, let us know who our...
LIDUVINA BURGOIN - Fairfield Junior High PTSA
2D - Accessible Arts - Award of Excellence
It is my hope that in the future, everyone will know that people like me have a voice.
Lola Wright - Oakridge Elementary PTA
Music - Primary - Award of Excellence
I am hopeful because music is beautiful. I wrote this music piece to sound like playing outside. It sounds happy, like hummingbirds landing in their nests,...
William Henry Kennington - Maple Ridge Elementary PTA
Music - Primary - Award of Merit
I am hopeful because... I used to learn piano in Lehi UT, that it was hard to do it. but now I can do it because the piano is simple and super easy to learn about...
Clarissa Alba - Oak Canyon Junior High PTSA
Dance - Middle School - Honorable Mention
The color blue symbolizes loyalty, and red symbolizes pride. When combined together into purple, to me they symbolize a loyal pride or hope in who I am. While...
Jordyn Smith - Riverview Elementary PTA
Photography - Primary - Honorable Mention
I can be hopeful because I know our family who died will come back.
Ethan Oak - Sunrise Elementary PTA
Music - Intermediate - Honorable Mention
The reason I wrote this song is because I believe that you can do impossible things if you keep trying. You don't only get one chance to do something. You get...
Kira Bruening - Riverton Elementary PTA
3D - Primary - Award of Merit
Not everyone is perfect. Everyone sometimes has wrinkles/imperfections, just like this superhero, but also just like this figure, everyone is a superhero in their...
Noah Taylor - Riverview Elementary PTA
Film - Middle School - Award of Merit
I Am Hopeful Because When I Grow Up I Can Be Whatever I Want To Be
Ty Cheney - Riverview Junior High PTSA
Photography - Middle School - Honorable Mention
This is a picture of my sister from the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago, Illinois. I am hopeful because to me hope is something inside each of us that...
Alivia Millet - Hayden Peak Elementary PTA
Literature - Middle School - Award of Excellence
My story (A Shining Star) is about a grandma telling her granddaughter about how she found hope in the midst of war. The story is through the point of view of the...
Easton Reeves - Iron Springs Elementary PTA
2D - Primary - Honorable Mention
I am hopeful because... Bees are like nature's little helpers. They visit pretty flowers to get yummy nectar and carry pollen from one flower to another. This...
Hallie Schneider - Brighton High PTSA
2D - High School - Honorable Mention
I am hopeful because one day in the future we will all be at peace with each other, despite our differences.
Oaklee Bjarnson - Vista Heights Middle PTSA
3D - Middle School - Honorable Mention
I am hopeful for Light. Light can show us our way in the dark. Without it we can easily get lost in the dark. We can avoid obstacules and crashes in our path,...
LIDUVINA BURGOIN - Fairfield Junior High PTSA
3D - Accessible Arts - Honorable Mention
I think hope is found in Christ when he is holding the world up with his love.
Greyson Reeves - Iron Springs Elementary PTA
Photography - Primary - Award of Merit
I am hopeful because...nature is so pretty. They make us fruit and vegetables. They are so pretty. They also make sure that we are alive. I made this... I put...
Avery Greene - Northridge Elementary PTA
2D - Middle School - Honorable Mention
I once read a poem by Emily Dickinson that read, "Hope is the thing with feathers -That perches in the soul -And sings the tune without the words -And never...
Veronica Gao - Timpview High School PTSA
2D - High School - Award of Merit
We are all dreamers. From the scrawny six-year-old who dreams of becoming an NFL linebacker to the waiter at the diner who dreams of one day traveling the world to...
Brynlee Allred - Elk Ridge Middle PTSA
Literature - High School - Honorable Mention
This free verse poem is split into two different emotions. The first emotion portrayed is despair. Despair is laid out in three different metaphors describing...
Taft Smith - Morningside Elementary PTA
Music - Primary - Honorable Mention
I wrote this song to let others know who how hope makes me feel. Hope tells me that I can do it. When I am feeling sad this song helps me feel strong. I added...
Callie Christison - Creekside Elementary PTA
3D - Primary - Honorable Mention
Butterflies do a lot of hard things like changing from a caterpillar to a butterfly and flying long ways. I am hopeful because I can do hard things like a...
Thomas Olson-Gong - Morningside Elementary PTA
Literature - Primary - Honorable Mention
I wrote a poem. It was called Lion. I wrote a poem because my dad loves poems and they're very interesting to me and they're fast but you can think about...
Ada Benson - Mountain Trails Elementary PTA
3D - Primary - Award of Merit
The story is I walked home from school and my dog stepped in an antbed and Jazzy is a waterdog and the ants got stuck in the webbed feet and she cried and couldn...
Bridger Pedroza - Bingham High PTSA
3D - Accessible Arts - Award of Excellence
My mom told me that her favorite poem is a poem called "Hope" by Emily Dickinson and when she told me this I read the poem and it talked about why we...
Ellie Swenson - Grant Elementary PTA
Photography - Primary - Honorable Mention
I am hopeful because every day is a new beginning. Like a Zamboni cleaning the cracks in the ice, each new day is an opportunity to let go of the past and start...
Simon Engh - Jordan Hills Elementary PTA
Music - Intermediate - Honorable Mention
"Victory After a Long War" is a song that represents how there are good things after hard things. In the beginning, it is minor, and then there is a major...
Jaida Koberstein - Hillcrest Junior High
Literature - High School - Award of Merit
My story illustrates the battles of 3 adolescent girls. It acknowledges a few of the difficult realities people face, and advocates that it is not only necessary...
Austin Graff - Hidden Valley Middle School PTSA
Film - High School - Honorable Mention
I created this stop motion video by drawing on 378 index cards. In my video the two main characters get in a dispute and fight each other. In the end they team up...
Julia Barlow - Heritage Elementary PTA
2D - Middle School - Honorable Mention
The bubbles represent my future, and inside the bubbles are things that I love and hope to get better at. I hope for my future because I know it will be great and...
Benjamin Foss - Centennial Middle PTA
Photography - Middle School - Award of Merit
I have hope because of all the things that help and guide me, to learn and go through life’s trials. The photo of the shadow and light represents people in my life...
Otto Shelton - Westmore Elementary PTA
Film - Accessible Arts - Award of Excellence
I like how I ride my bike to school almost everyday because it keeps the air clean and it keeps our water clean. My dad rides his bike to work almost everyday....
Noelle Thackeray - Hillcrest Junior High
Dance - Middle School - Award of Excellence
I choreographed to this song, “River Flows In You”, because I think hope is much like a river. It ebbs and flows, ever changing. Sometimes it dries up, and...
Spencer Schmidt - Albion Middle PTSA
Music - Middle School - Award of Excellence
I started writing this song in the middle of August and finally finished it near the end of September. I am hopeful because music brings people together. I wrote...
Jadyn Larsen - Riverton High PTSA
Dance - High School - Award of Excellence
I am hopeful because of the experience that I have gained through complicated and insoluble trials. The world can sometimes feel as though it’s beating down on us...
Avery Taylor - Foothill Elementary PTA
2D - Intermediate - Award of Merit
There was a forest fire and I collected the leaves from the trees and flowers that grew back to make a phoenix. The phoenix represents the forest growing back after...
Miles Hogan - Alpine Elementary PTA
Film - Intermediate - Award of Excellence
Just because I am young, that doesn’t mean I can’t accomplish something hard. I have always loved to bake and cook, so when the opportunity to enter a cooking...
Elizabeth Bradford - Copper Hills High PTSA
Photography - High School - Award of Merit
I've learned so much from my sister's tenderheartedness when she cares for her chickens. I catch her reading them stories and taking them on walks and can...
Kalla Lindhardt - Brighton High PTSA
Photography - High School - Award of Merit
This photo makes me hopeful because seeing a Great Grey owl in the wild is hard considering their nicknames like "Phantom of the North", "Elusive...
Brooke Lemon - Kay's Creek Elementary PTA
Literature - Intermediate - Award of Excellence
I am hopeful because every time a new baby is born they have the ability to change the world. Each person is important and comes to earth with a mission to fulfill...
Anne Davies - Cedar Valley High PTSA
2D - Accessible Arts - Honorable Mention
I went to a dance. My dad gave me sunflowers. It made me feel happy and loved. Sunflowers make me smile.
Ashlyn Slade - Three Peaks Elementary PTA
Dance - Primary - Award of Excellence
I love hope because people can fall then they can get back up again. And they can say “I can do this if I keep on trying.” Gymnastics includes hope a lot, because...
Harper Hannan - Horizon Elementary PTA
Literature - Intermediate - Award of Merit
I wrote a poem about my mom because she makes me hopeful.
Eliza Roberts - Cedar Ridge Elementary PTA
Literature - Primary - Award of Excellence
This essay is about fear and hope. I have a lot of fears but I also have a lot of hope. You can have fear and hope at the same time. I wrote about how I learned to...
Alea Garner - Oak Canyon Junior High PTSA
Dance - Accessible Arts - Award of Excellence
I am grateful people always stand by me!
Zachary Farnsworth - Panorama Elementary PTA
2D - Primary - Award of Merit
I am hopeful because people are recycling and it will help save the sea animals. I hope when people see my project that they will remember to pick up and recycle...
Aleah Naylor - Kaysville Junior High PTSA
Literature - Middle School - Award of Merit
I have always liked the idea of a reverse poem, and this one conveys how troubling our world is and how, even when our world threatens to drag our hope down, hope...