
Role of the Leadership Vice President

The main role of the Leadership Vice President is to sustain the president. The Leadership VP gives active help and encouragement to the president in making PTA successful.

Assist the president - as assigned

  1. Train on leadership skills*
  2. Create a welcoming and inclusive environment
  3. Conduct a needs assessment. A needs assessment is a survey of parents in your school that will help in setting goals which meet the needs of your school*
  4. Set and review goals
  5. Create job descriptions for PTA positions*
  6. Encourage the development and use of procedure books. A procedure book is a permanent record of a PTA officer’s activities for the term of their office that contains materials and information needed for the successor*
  7. Facilitate board transitions*

* Resources referred to above can be found in the this section and the President Handbook.



This means that the VP for leadership needs to ask such questions as: Œ

  • Are we nurturing future leaders for our PTA?
  • Are we giving adequate training to our board so that they could lead in the future?
  • Are we matching the skills of our volunteers with their assignments so they will succeed in their job?
  • Are we meeting the needs of our volunteers?
  • Are we building unity and teamwork?
  • Are we being inclusive and including all cultures in our PTA?


A Leadership VP can: Œ

  • Read and give trainings on leadership skills to the board (at board meetings, planning meetings, etc.) Œ
  • Give trainings on special topics such as conflict management, communication, and organization These topics may be assigned by the president as needed Œ
  • Boost the morale and integrity of the board through trainings and example Œ
  • Conduct or be in charge of doing the needs assessment for your PTA/PTSA Œ
  • Set GOALS with your board using the needs assessment and make sure the goals are reviewed during the year and accomplished Œ
  • Create and distribute job descriptions and train people on their jobs as approved by the president Œ
  • Train on the value of procedure books and how to do them. Encourage each officer/leader to keep a procedure book and train their replacement the following spring Œ
  • Help with board transitions Œ
  • Help make your PTA welcoming and inclusive to all. Invite all ethnicities to serve on the board

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