Leadership Tips

See the bottom of this section for more Leadership idea downloads

Leadership YouTube video links:

The Meaning of TEAM - Together Everyone Achieves More!


Team Building - Work Related Uplifting


A Pep Talk from Kid President to You


Kid Presidents Pep Talk to Teachers and Students




Begin with the End in Mind    

A few good leadership tips…..

First Rule of Leadership…. Everything is your Fault.  A Bug’s Life   

Never forget that only dead fish swim with the stream. Malcolm Muggeridge

I suppose leadership at one time meant muscle; but today it means getting along with people. Mohandas K Ghandi

Leaders aren’t born they are made.  And they are made just like anything else, through hard work.  And that’s the price we’ll have to pay to achieve that goal, or any goal.  Vince Lombardi


In our Seven Habits of Highly Effective PTA’s # 2 is Begin with the end in mind… Setting goals.  We want to setSMART goals.

S    Specific                        Which, what, where, when, why

M  Measurable                   How much

A    Action                           Describe results

R    Realistic                        Realistic and relevant

T    Time                              By when


One of my goals for this year is to let people know how much I really care about them. We are all so busy and we think, “That person is doing a great job,” but we never tell them. I want you to think of the last time someone told you were doing a great job ... and ... When did someone hand write and send you a thank you card. How did it make you feel?  My challenge to you is to let people know how much you appreciate them. 

One of my favorite quotes is “Don’t count the days, make the days count”


By Ilene Mecham

Do you want to spread spider poison or warm fuzzies?? 

Leader’s Responsibility in Managing Conflict:

  1. Identify the problem, don’t gossip about it and assign blame.
  2. Don’t try to change people or control their actions. (It ticks them off). 
  4. Foster TEAM WORK. Support each other. 
  5. Let the president have her turn to lead PTA. 
  6. Remember, a person’s perception is their reality.
  7. As you are exposed to conflict, do your part to DEFLATE it. 
  8. Don’t gossip. Go to a person if you have a problem and discuss it calmly and respectfully with them. Don’t be part of “parking lot” discussions. (Do your part to deflate it).
  9. Do NOT take things personally. 
  10. Don’t be defensive and offended easily.  
  11. “Check your EGO at the door.” (“Is that my ego talking??”
  12. Listen. Think.
  13. Follow our Standing Rules and Bylaws. 
  14. Have a good attitude.
  15. Assume the BEST. (“I am sure he/she didn’t mean be offensive”).
  16. Be correctly informed. Don’t listen to assumptions or gossip.
  17. Appreciate the good actions and talents of people. Validate people.
  18. “Having my say does not mean having my way.”
  19. Think about the desired result. “What is best for the children?”


Lego’s Leadership Lesson

Materials Needed:

Large Lego Building Blocks (for younger kids)

Small Lego Building Blocks (for older kids)

Lego Candies – Enough to pass around in a small bowl or individually packaged with a small quote or tag indicating “Always Bee Building in PTA” (optional – purchased at local food store, SLC found at Macey’s)

Introduction – Discuss the importance of always building in PTA. Have the set of larger blocks on the table in sight and the smaller Lego’s out of sight.

Ask the group the following questions and lead a short discussion:

  • What does it mean to always be building?
  • In what areas of PTA do we build?

Have everyone think about these two questions and ask for a volunteer to come up in front of the room. Compare the set of large Lego’s to the PTA Board. Instruct your volunteer to take as many blocks as she/he needs and to construct a tower representing everyone on their board team.

After they have a good structure, encourage them to share with the group who is part of their team. Encourage the group to stay engaged by asking for their input if they haven’t included everyone, every position, etc. Remind them of committee’s, teacher reps, etc. When they feel they have included everyone thank your volunteer and discuss the following points:

  • Our board may be limited to certain positions (holding one of the larger Lego pieces) but if we are focusing on this (hold up one piece) being your PTA, it isn’t enough.
  • I propose that I don’t have enough pieces in this kit to properly represent your board, your team (most kids have up to 85 pieces) reference this number.
  • I propose that if we focus on building, even this kit with ___ pieces (pull out small Lego kit) doesn’t have enough pieces. You see, where does it say only five people can be on a committee? Where does it say that we are limited to membership from our parents? What about grand parents, older siblings, aunts uncles, business owners, school sponsors, entire staff, surrounding businesses, grounds crew, etc. Do you see where I’m going?
  • With a mindset of always building – we are building at every option, every angle.

Summary: Take them back to the first two questions – Building doesn’t only mean membership. Building means growing as an individual, as a team, as a community, as a leader. At every opportunity we need to be thinking more like this (small Legos) and less like this (large Legos).   

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