
Report #1 Due Now

All Local, Council and Region Units - Report #1 is now open and due.  

For Instructions on how to complete Report #1Visit Here

What reports do councils and region collect? What reports do they turn in? Learn about all the reports and who gets them here.
What are the duties of a region treasurer? Learn about those responsibilities here.
What financial procedures do a Council adhere too? Learn about them here.
Learn about the specific duties of being a council treasurer in supporting local PTAs.
Council and Region Treasurers
Learn the duties and responsibilities of being a council and region treasurer in helping local PTAs be fiscially sound.
Council President, Region Director and Council/Region Financial Handbooks

Lead the PTA Way

Lead the PTA Way

Great leaders understand there is no cookie‐cutter, one‐size‐fits‐all approach. So they keep reflecting, learning and evolving.

Traits for Leading the PTA Way

   Welcome all and value unique perspectives   

   Listen and communicate effectively

   Focus on supporting student success and well‐being

   Speak up for every child and seek positive change

   Share power and empower others to lead

   Collaborate with school and community partners


Tips for Leaders

One of the wonderful benefits of belonging to PTA is the superb support system it offers. Thank you for the time you have chosen to give to your PTA and school community. Being a PTA leader can sometimes feel a little overwhelming and complex. But knowledge is a powerful tool.

This section provides tips, resources and best practices for developing your leadership skills, building teams and working with school-site staff to enhance your experience as a PTA leader, and provides you with information on topics you will be likely to reference throughout your term of office.

Before You Begin
Did you just get elected to a PTA position and feeling lost? No need to fear, the PTA Village is here to support you!
Leadership Basics
Leadership is often defined as “the art of getting or inspiring people to do something.”
We want every family in our schools to join PTA, because we can do more together than apart.
Public Relations
Good public relations practices will help you in attracting support and volunteers to join your mission and goals for your PTA.
PTA Meetings
PTA Meetings are the heart of PTA and where the business and planning take place.
Technology & PTA
Learn about the technology you can use in your PTA to connect with parents.
Strategic Plan
A well-crafted strategic plan is a roadmap to where you're going and how you're going to get there. It serves as a guide for your team, helps you build successful programs, and represents consensus from your members.
Page Details
Learn what it means for a PTA to be in Good Standing
Find the link to file president reports