Proposed Restructure of Utah PTA


Why Restructure?

  • Smaller, more efficient board
  • Better training for locals and councils
  • Better communication to all levels
  • Promote committees and councils
  • Expand leadership/volunteer opportunities
  • Grow membership statewide
  • Ensure Utah PTA celebrates 200 year birthday!

What will this change mean for Locals?

  • Each local unit will be part of a council with all the benefits that come along with that
  • Monthly training and contact
  • Resources from Utah PTA and partners
  • Networking opportunities with other leaders
  • Local units should not see a negative impact or decrease in services

What will this change mean for Councils?

    Elevates councils by:

  • Puts all councils into Regions with leadership via Region Support Committee and Area Directors.
  • Increased training and support via monthly region meetings
  • Main contact for all locals
  • Funding to councils from Utah PTA
  • Councils will still provide programs, training and support
  • Increased leadership training and opportunities
  • Opportunity to serve on state level committee
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