
The 2024-25 President Handbook.
Strategic Plan
A well-crafted strategic plan is a roadmap to where you're going and how you're going to get there. It serves as a guide for your team, helps you build successful programs, and represents consensus from your members.
Join a Commisison or Committee
Learn about Utah PTA and the way it advocates for all children in Utah by joining a Commission or Committee.
Executive Committee
What roles are apart Utah PTA's Executive Committee and how that is like your PTA.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee 

Members of the executive board are specified in the association bylaws (Article VI: Officers and Their Election).  Local Bylaws, Article VII: Duties of Officers list each executive committee member and their responsibilities.  Article VIII: Executive Committee lists the duties of the executive committee as a whole.  That includes: 

a. Plan and determine the dates of general membership meetings;

b. Transact necessary business in the interval between general membership meetings and such other business as may be referred to it by this PTA/PTSA;

c. Determine at its first meeting of the school year, the designated order in which the Vice Presidents perform the duties of the office of President in the absence or inability to act of both the President and President-elect;

d. Create commissions and special committees; e. Approve the plans of work of the commissions and special committees;

f. Develop an annual budget to be distributed to and approved by this PTA/PTSA at the first general membership meeting (prior to October 1) of the school year;

g. Approve routine bills within the limits of the budget;

h. Require all checks to have two (2) signatures;

i. Report at regular meetings of this PTA/PTSA;

j. Fill vacancies in offices except President-elect; and

k. Select an auditor or an AFR committee to reconcile the Treasurer’s accounts.

Want to know what each Position on the Executive Committee does? Click a position below.

Your PTA members look to you for leadership in creating partnerships within your community and fostering
an environment where family engagement is encouraged and respected.
Being a President Elect is more than just shadowing the President. You are the President in Training. Learn all that you can in this time.
Great vice presidents often learn or possess leadership, planning and public speaking skills. A vice president is encouraged to be ready to assume leadership.
Treasurer Basics
Your role as a PTA Treasurer is an important one. It carries a lot of responsibility, but it will also bring satisfaction and fulfillment. The work of the Treasurer provides the financial foundation upon which the work of the PTA can be built.
The PTA/PTSA Secretary is responsible for keeping accurate records of the proceedings of the association, complete records of members and leaders, as well as sending communications on behalf of the Board of Directors. Never say, I'm just the Secretary!
Admin VPs
What is the relationship between PTA and the Admin VP?
Teacher VP
The Teacher VP provides an important connection between faculty and the PTA.
Page Details
Great vice presidents often learn or possess leadership, planning and public speaking skills. A vice president is encouraged to be ready to assume leadership.
Before You Begin
Did you just get elected to a PTA position and feeling lost? No need to fear, the PTA Village is here to support you!