
What does a President Elect do? 


Local Bylaws, ARTICLE VII: Duties of Officers, Section 2: 

The President-elect shall:

a. Work under and in cooperation with the President and fulfill such other duties as assigned by the Board of Directors or the President;

b. As appropriate, as President-in-training, attend meetings with the President, including Council meetings;

c. In the absence of the President or their inability to act, perform the duties and exercise the powers of the President;

d. If applicable, serve as a delegate to the Council voting body; and

e. Automatically succeed to the office of President at the end of his term.

Being a President Elect is more than just shadowing the President.  You are the President in Training.  Learn all that you can in this time.  Learn about the structure of PTA and how each level helps you as a local PTA President. Learn about the programs and events in your community. Get to know the people in your community so that you can better serve them.  Attend Council and Region Training Opportunities where you can learn about advocacy, programs and solutions for pressing issues. Take advantage of the National PTA Local Leader Kit and the many webinar trainings.

Access National PTA Local Leader Kit

You may be called upon at any time to assume the role of the president, temporarily or until the position is filled in accordance with your bylaws. Responsibilities include:

  • Implementing duties delegated by the president
  • Representing the president in his or her absence
  • Performing specific duties as provided for in the bylaws
  • Familiarizing yourself with all PTA programs and resources
  • Preparing for leadership by attending additional trainings and events that my be offered by your council, region, state or National PTA
  • Great president elects often learn or possess leadership, planning and public speaking skills

Things to remember:

  • The President-elect is accountable and responsible to the President, and in addition to performing the duties of the office as outlined in the bylaws, performs such other duties as determined and delegated by the President, Executive Committee and/or the Board of Directors to implement the goals of your PTA/PTSA.
  • The President-elect is to be responsible for proper procedure and confidentiality of privileged information.
  • The President-elect is to keep informed about state and national PTA projects, programs, and legislative activities.
  • The office of President-elect shall be considered as the training for the presidency.   

2021-22 President's Handbook

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