What is Public Relations?
It is often said that public relations is the job of everyone in PTA. This is definitely a true concept since public relations is a crucial part of marketing your PTA and your PTA programs. Good public relations practices will help you attract support and volunteers to join your mission and goals for your PTA. Every PTA should have a public relations position on its board.
The public relations person (VP or chair) will work closely with the PTA President and the PTA Board in creating and implementing a successful public relations and membership campaign based on the needs assessments and goals determined by the PTA board. Some PTA units may have a communications committee depending on the size and activity of the PTA membership at the school. If a PTA has a communications committee, the public relations person would be the chairperson of that committee.
The public relations person’s responsibilities may include writing a monthly newsletter, updating the PTA website, drafting emails to the general membership, and helping to manage the PTA social media sites. It is essential to obtain public relations plans from each board member in charge of a specific program or event for the PTA. This would include the membership campaign, PTA-sponsored meetings, Reflections, carnivals, Red Ribbon Week, book fairs, and other PTA activities so you can keep the membership informed of these activities throughout the year.
Public relations should:
1. Let parents know how vital PTA is at their school in giving them a voice and a role in the education of their child
2. Create a spirit of parent Involvement at your school
3. Showcase your school
4. Get parents excited and involved in school events
5. Reach out to the community and better involve them at your school
6. Invite the media to promote your school
7. Use social media sources to communicate
8. Be a link with your school as an information highway into the home
9. Create an atmosphere where every parent feels like a welcome part of the school community