Responsibilities of the Public Relations VP/Chair
- Be a PTA member and serve your full term as elected by the PTA membership or appointed by the PTA officers.
- Learn and know all you can about the PTA—its history, goals, programs, policies, PTA Day at the Capitol, activities, publications, websites, social media involvement, and meetings.
- Consult the Utah PTA communications web page for information about how to perform your public relations duties
- Act as an aide to the president and perform such duties as delegated or assigned by the PTA officers or president.
- Work closely with the PTA president and Membership Chair and assist board members to promote events.
- Submit to the PTA officers a recommended budget to cover costs of the Public Relations Committee’s projected campaign and plans for the year.
- Attend all scheduled PTA board and committee meetings, Utah PTA conventions, and outreach training meetings.
- Know and work with your council, region, and Utah PTA public relations.
- Form and chair the Public Relations Committee. Elect a vice chair and secretary for the Public Relations Committee. Meet regularly and delegate responsibility as you facilitate, lead, supervise, and coordinate the work of that committee in publicizing your PTA/PTSA programs and activities.
- Present recommendations for Public Relations Committee to the PTA board.
- In partnership with the Public Relations Committee, develop and implement a successful public relations membership campaign for your PTA for the current school year.
- Keep informed of all activities and programs of your PTA.
- Plan and carry out PTA Founder’s Day activities and celebration in February.
- Take every opportunity to publicize and spotlight what your PTA is doing.
- Serve as a liaison between your PTA and the media.
- Write and submit media releases to the president to be checked before releasing to the media.
- Send pictures of your PTA events to Utah PTA to show on the website and social media.
- Evaluate public relations campaign and report to PTA president and Executive Committee.
- Collect volunteer hours of members and consultants serving on the Public Relations Committee and report them at each PTA board meeting.
- Guarantee that recognitions are acknowledged and thank you notes are sent.
- Maintain all PTA social media accounts.
- With the help of the Public Relations Committee, create marketing displays to use at meetings and events.