Rachelle is one of Parkside’s biggest assets! She has taught at Parkside for 36 years. That’s a lot of lives she has touched throughout the years. As you can probably tell she loves teaching, she wouldn’t have spent so much time and effort if it wasn’t a labor of love. Her students describe her as being so sweet and caring. They do and always did look forward to coming to school and having fun in her class.
She has taught AM & PM Kindergarten, AM Kindergarten, Gifted Pull Out Classes for 4th, 5th, & 6th Grade, Assistant Director of Murray ESL, and Optional Extended Day Kindergarten. She loves hiking, biking, camping, traveling, gardening, cooking, singing and Family Game Nights.
Her favorite sports to watch are Basketball (GO JAZZ!) and Lacrosse.
Her and her Husband have 2 sons, 2 daughter in laws, 1 daughter, 1 grandson and 2 dogs. As the veteran teacher of Parkside who has seen the school go through many changes we are so glad we have the consistency and knowledge of Rachelle and the love she has for her students. Thanks Rachelle for all your hard work!