Mr. Andrew Gallegos - Davis High School

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Mr. Gallegos, affectionately known by the students as "Mr. G", deserves to be recognized for his outstanding connection with his students. My daughter sustained a concussion at the beginning of her junior year and had post concussive syndrome the rest of the school year. She was an A student before her concussion, but after her concussion, she lost the ability to plan and organize for 8 classes as well as the extra curricular activities she was involved in. Since she didn't have a cast on her head, as she would for a broken leg, some of her teachers worked better than others with her new disability. School was all of a sudden very difficult. She could always find respite in Mr. G's class, in which he would not only help her with her math homework, but he would listen to her. She often called him her "therapist". She needed a safe place where she could talk about her adolescent life and his classroom was that safe place for her. I was amazed when we had a meeting with the administrators and all of my daughters teachers that Mr. G was the only one to be able to tell us anything about our daughter besides her difficulties with managing her school work after her concussion. He saw the whole child and met her where she was at and helped her from there. When they say "it takes a village to raise a child", it makes me very grateful that Mr. G is in our village!!