Miss Kay Merrell - Bountiful High School

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Miss Merrell was my favorite teacher I ever had. Miss Merrell nominated me for the newspaper staff at the end of my sophomore year. I never would have applied without her recommendation. I was on the Newspaper staff for 2 years after that. She creates a warm, soothing, encouraging atmosphere in her classes. After that first sophomore year in Honors English 10, I looked up what other classes she taught because I wanted to be around her. I took her Creative Writing classes and she further fostered me there. All of her creative writing classes were fun, engaging, educational and gave me memories I will always remember. She would write personal notes on assignments and underline things she loved about your writing. She would tell people not to worry about grammar, but to just get the thoughts on the page if you had an idea for our daily journal. She did daily words and thoughts that I came to crave. She was the best teacher I ever had. Kay Merrell of Layton High School 2003-2006 is my nomination. She later transferred to Viewmont High School.