Restructure Timeline


Phase 1- Completed by 2022-23 Ad Hoc Committee

  • Develop Proposed plan - completed
  • Present plan to the board for approval - decision to continue - completed

Phase 2- During 2023-24 Fiscal Year

  • Ad Hoc Transition Team to work through the next steps for roll out
    • Discussion of committees make up with number of people - completed
    • Standing Rules
    • Job Description changes
  • Development of nominating committee structure - completed
  • Bylaws committee looks at the proposed plan and what to change in bylaws - completed
  • Begin education for local PTAs, regions and councils on bylaws and answering questions -completed
  • Board votes to move Bylaws forward to General Membership (by March 2024)
    • 1st reading of Bylaws at April 2024 BOD meeting - completed
    • 2nd reading at Bylaws at May 2024 BOD meeting - completed
  • Vote by General Membership moved to Fall 2024 Advocacy Conference

Phase 3- During 2024-25 Fiscal Year

  • Ad Hoc Transition Team works out next steps
    • How to Apply for positions, etc - started
    • Elevate Councils and Committees - future plan/detail
    • Finish job and committee descriptions
  • Bylaws committee updates local PTA and council bylaws for board approval
  • Leadership Committee facilitate creation of standardized training materials
  • Education/Listening Tour for locals, councils and regions on bylaws and restructure plan
  • Voting on the bylaws by general membership at Advocacy Conference (Fall 2024)

Phase 4- During 2024-25 Fiscal Year and Beyond

  • Continue education for local PTAs, regions and councils
  • Election of new board of director members - Spring 2025
  • Application and selection of Board of Managers - Spring 2025
  • Implementation of the restructure on July 1, 2025
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