SB0260 | School Events Amendments

General Description: 

This bill directs the State Board of Education to make rules clarifying that school principals and local education agency administration have authority to remove a spectator or participant from a school-sponsored activity for certain disruptive behavior under certain circumstances.

Highlighted Provisions: 

This bill directs the State Board of Education to make rules clarifying that school principals and local education agency administration have authority to remove a spectator or participant from a school-sponsored activity for certain disruptive behavior under certain circumstances.

Bill Details
Senate/ filed
Last Action: 
Mar 01, 2024
Democrat - District 12
Fiscal Note
Fiscal Note Amount: 
Utah PTA Response
Utah PTA Position
Utah PTA Resolution: 
Impact on Children: 

Poor behavior by spectators at school sporting events has been an increasing problem.  Principals and school personnel need additional tools to manage the behavior of spectators.  All community members should work together to provide a safe environment for our students.

Utah PTA Public Policy Program
National PTA and Utah PTA Resolutions: 

Resolved, that Utah PTA and its constituent associations encourage all efforts to address school safety to involve all stakeholders, especially students, parents, and families, and consider a variety of factors including the physical and psychological safety of students