Letter to our Members - Utah PTA and the Coronavirus


March 14, 2020

Hello PTA Leaders and Members,

We are experiencing uncharted territory with the spread of COVID-19. The dismissal of Utah public schools across our state for the next two weeks may have some concerns and challenges. We encourage our PTA leaders and members to follow the guidelines outlined by your individual districts. Get correct information from the school districts and local/state health departments.

We also encourage social distancing as suggested by Governor Herbert, Lt Gov Cox, and Superintendent Dickson. Please have this discussion with your children. All of our Utah PTA meetings for the next two weeks will be held by Zoom. We encourage you to use technology to hold any meetings. Ceremonies, events, or projects, etc may need to be on hold or postponed for a future date.

Utah PTA has witnessed our state government take the lead on this by establishing a task force for COVID-19 weeks ago. They have been preparing and were proactive. We are in good hands.

Our office will be open during these next two weeks, but with limited accessibility. We want to keep our staff safe too. Please feel free to call before coming into the office and you can always email kids@utahpta.org for any requests as well.

We appreciate your leadership and membership to the largest advocacy association on behalf of all children. Thanks for all you do!! Keep our kids safe and healthy.

Please see the press release from the Utah COVID-19 task force.  https://governor.utah.gov/2020/03/13/gov-herbert-announces-two-week-dismissal-of-utahs-public-schools/

Thanks again,

Laney Benedict


Utah PTA

Display Dates: 
Mar 14, 2020 to Mar 27, 2020