Gun Safety

Tips for Gun Safety

  • Teach your children to consider every gun loaded and dangerous. Tell them to never touch or handle a gun. If they find another child with a gun, instruct them to get away immediately and tell a parent or trusted adult.
  • If your children and teens use guns for hunting, enroll them in a gun safety class that will teach them a proper respect for guns and how to use them safely.
  • Find out, by talking with the parents of your children’s friends, if there are guns in their home. Ask them to keep all guns locked up and away from children.
  • Talk to your children and teens about alternative ways to solve arguments and fights without guns or other weapons.
  • Ensure that your teens do not have access to guns in your home. Depressed teens use guns more than any other method to commit suicide.

National PTA Resources

Gun Violence Prevention - Safety - Family Resources | National PTA

Blueprint for Working with Principals to Improve School Safety | National PTA

10 Things You Can Do to Prevent Violence in Your School Community

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