Legislative Bills

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HB0105 | Students with Disabilities Amendments

General Description: 

This bill amends a formula related to add-on weighted pupil units for students with disabilities.

Highlighted Provisions: 

This bill:
▸ amends a formula related to add-on weighted pupil units for students with
disabilities; and
▸ makes technical changes.

Bill Details
House/ filed
Last Action: 
Mar 05, 2021
Republican - District 61
Fiscal Note
Fiscal Note Amount: 
Utah PTA Response
Utah PTA Position
Impact on Children: 

This bill amends the formula used to figure funding for students with disabilities.

Utah PTA Public Policy Program
National PTA and Utah PTA Resolutions: 

That Utah PTA and its organizations continue to support the right of each student
with a disability to have access to an equal education via whatever means reasonable and necessary to specific disabilities, such as Individualized Education Programs (IEP’s) and 504 Accommodation Plans, which may include transportation, therapy, special services/equipment, reasonable accommodations and other supportive services the child requires to benefit from his/her educational program;

Utah PTA Legislative Policy: 

General Principles for Consideration of Proposed Legislation: Prioritizing the needs of all children and youth, while adhering to fiscal responsibility in government.

HB0107S02 | Effective Teachers in High Poverty Schools Incentive Program Amendments

General Description: 

This bill amends the Effective Teachers in High Poverty Schools Incentive Program.

Bill Details
Governor Signed
Last Action: 
Mar 30, 2020
Republican - District 30
Fiscal Note
Fiscal Note Amount: 
Utah PTA Response
Utah PTA Position
Impact on Children: 

1.  More than two decades of research provide the connection between teacher quality and student learning.

2.  Increasing teacher salaries can improve efforts to recruit and retain quality teachers, including quality teachers in high poverty schools.

Utah PTA Public Policy Program
National PTA and Utah PTA Resolutions: 

Utah PTA Resolution EDU 2011-1, Resolved - That Utah PTA support adequate funding for and encourage consideration of financial incentives to recruit and retain highly qualified and effective educators.

Utah PTA Legislative Priorities: 

Utah PTA Legislative Priorities 2019-20 #7. Support legislation, funding, and community partnerships that provide programs and resources to strengthen families and children’s social and emotional well being through affordable housing, homelessness initiatives, education, and parenting skills, and juvenile justice reforms.

HB0108 | Human Trafficking Revisions

General Description: 

This bill clarifies that children who are engaged in commercial sex should be treated as victims.

Bill Details
Governor Signed
Last Action: 
Mar 25, 2019
Democrat - District 26
Fiscal Note
Fiscal Note Amount: 
Utah PTA Response
Utah PTA Position
Impact on Children: 

This bill provides that children engaged in commercial sex or sexual solicitation should be treated as victims;
requires law enforcement officers who encounter a child engaged in commercial sex or sexual solicitation to conduct an investigation into whether the child is being trafficked;
creates a pathway for human trafficking victims to have adjudications for crimes
committed while being trafficked vacated.

Utah PTA Public Policy Program
National PTA and Utah PTA Resolutions: 

Resolved, That Utah PTA and its constituent associations promote and support the adoption and enforcement of laws, at all levels of government, to end the recruitment, force or involvement of a minor in conduct or violence of a sexually nature and all forms of sexual exploitation;
and be it further
Resolved, That Utah PTA and its constituent associations advocate for the protection of rights of victims and support provided measures for the physical, psychological, and social recovery of victims of sexual exploitation;

National PTA Public Policy Agenda

National PTA Resolution Child Trafficking 2009

HB0109 | Universal Background Checks for Firearm Purchasers

General Description: 

This bill requires a background check for all firearm sales.

Bill Details
House/ filed
Last Action: 
Mar 12, 2020
Democrat - District 28
Fiscal Note
Fiscal Note Amount: 
Utah PTA Response
Utah PTA Position
Support w/ Comment

Utah PTA advocates for gun safety and violence prevention measures for the benefit and safety of children while recognizing the importance of responsible gun ownership and Second Amendment rights to the citizens of Utah.

Impact on Children: 

For nearly 30 years, National PTA has advocated for common-sense and comprehensive gun safety and violence prevention measures while preserving the lawful use of firearms for sport and personal protection.

Utah PTA Public Policy Program
National PTA and Utah PTA Position Statements: 

National PTA Firearms Position Statement
Given the history and tradition of strong support for the safety and protection of children and youth, the National PTA supports federal restrictions on firearms that would require, prior to purchasing a firearm, a waiting period and background check to screen out illegal firearm purchasers such as convicted felons and drug-related offenders;

National PTA Public Policy Agenda

Enact Legislation to Protect Youth, Families and Communities From Gun and Other Violence
Firearms are the second-leading cause of death for American children and teens, with nearly 1,600 children and teens dying by gun homicide every year. Congress must: 
Require a waiting period and a comprehensive background check for any individual prior to buying a firearm from both licensed and unlicensed dealers

HB0109S01 | Safe School Route Evaluations

General Description: 

This bill requires a school traffic safety committee to include recommendations for infrastructure improvements in a child access routing plan.

Highlighted Provisions: 

This bill requires a school traffic safety committee to: submit a child access routing plan to the Department of Transportation and municipal and county highway authorities and include priority recommendations for infrastructure improvements in a child access routing plan; requires a highway authority to provide feedback on: the estimated time and cost to complete infrastructure improvements that a school traffic safety committee recommends; and infrastructure improvements the highway authority has prioritized for the following year; requires school traffic safety committees to make recommendations to the State Board of Education and the Transportation Advisory Committee for new approved bus routes.

Bill Details
House/ filed
Last Action: 
Mar 01, 2024
Republican - District 20
Fiscal Note
Fiscal Note Amount: 
Utah PTA Response
Utah PTA Position
Impact on Children: 

This will help ensure that our children are safe while walking to and from school.

Utah PTA Public Policy Program
National PTA and Utah PTA Resolutions: 

RESOLVED, That Utah PTA and its constituent associations encourage the Utah Department of Public Safety to update and review training programs for school crossing guards, as well as emphasize pedestrian safety in Drivers Education; and also urge the Utah State Board of Education (USBE) to implement a robust pedestrian safety curriculum for Utah schools; moreover, local PTAs are encouraged to take an active role in educating parents and students about pedestrian safety issues and solutions; and furthermore, encourage the Utah State Legislature and other government agencies to appropriate adequate funding specifically dedicated to safe school routes, pedestrian safety devices and technology to ensure safer street crossings;

Utah PTA Legislative Priorities: 

To promote the welfare of children and youth in home, school, community, and place of worship.

To secure adequate laws for the care and protection of children and youth.

National PTA and Utah PTA Position Statements: 


HB0110 | Alcohol Education Amendments

General Description: 

This bill modifies provisions related to the use and oversight of the Drinking While Pregnant Prevention Media and Education Campaign Restricted Account.

Highlighted Provisions: 

This bill requires the Utah Substance Use and Mental Health Advisory Council to approve and oversee any drinking while pregnant prevention media and education campaign

Bill Details
Governor Signed
Last Action: 
Mar 23, 2022
Republican - District 46
Fiscal Note
Fiscal Note Amount: 
Utah PTA Response
Utah PTA Position
Impact on Children: 

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Fetal Alcohol Effects (FAS/FAE) are recognized as the
leading cause of mental retardation and behavioral dysfunction in children and are
entirely preventable; it is time to re-emphasize the dangers of alcohol consumption to the unborn fetus of pregnant women.

Utah PTA Public Policy Program
National PTA and Utah PTA Resolutions: 

That Utah PTA work to ensure that there are questions asked in prenatal health care about
use of alcohol, and that the medical community understand and work to educate people
concerning the prevention of FAS/FAE

HB0113S01 | Students with Disabilities Funding Revisions

General Description: 

This bill makes changes to provisions related to funding for students with disabilities.

Highlighted Provisions: 

This bill:
▸ amends a formula related to add-on weighted pupil units for students with disabilities; and
▸ makes technical and conforming changes.

Bill Details
Governor Signed
Last Action: 
Mar 23, 2022
Republican - District 61
Fiscal Note
Fiscal Note Amount: 
Utah PTA Response
Utah PTA Position
Impact on Children: 

This bill amends the formula used to figure funding for students with disabilities.

Special Needs Specialist
Utah PTA Public Policy Program
National PTA and Utah PTA Resolutions: 

That Utah PTA and its organizations continue to support the right of each student
with a disability to have access to an equal education via whatever means reasonable and necessary to specific disabilities, such as Individualized Education Programs (IEP’s) and 504 Accommodation Plans, which may include transportation, therapy, special services/equipment, reasonable accommodations and other supportive services the child requires to benefit from his/her educational program;

Utah PTA Legislative Policy: 

General Principles for Consideration of Proposed Legislation: Prioritizing the needs of all children and youth, while adhering to fiscal responsibility in government.

Utah PTA Legislative Priorities: 

2. Support expedited state special education funding to support and implement IEPs for public school students with disabilities.

National PTA Public Policy Agenda

PTA Calls on Congress and the Administration to Increase Federal Investment in Public Education. The long-term success of our nation depends on quality federal investments in our education system. PTA has long advocated to ensure children have access to adequately funded public schools that improve their overall well-being and allow students to reach their fullest potential. The federal National PTA will work with the 117th Congress, the U.S. Department of Education and the Biden/Harris Administration to ensure that every child has access to a fair and equitable education.

Policies and legislation must:

 ✓ Fully fund the promised 40% of the extra cost for services provided under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

HB0114S02 | School Nursing Services Amendments

General Description: 

This bill amends provisions related to school nursing services.

Highlighted Provisions: 

This bill defines "school nurse" and requires local education agencies (LEAs) to provide a minimum level of nursing services.

Bill Details
Governor Signed
Last Action: 
Mar 23, 2022
Democrat - District 32
Fiscal Note
Fiscal Note Amount: 
Utah PTA Response
Utah PTA Position
Utah PTA Resolution: 
Impact on Children: 

Passage of this bill will require LEAs to provide one school nurse for every 2,000 students; LEAs with fewer than 2,000 students to the level of services recommended by the Department of Health.

Utah PTA Public Policy Program
National PTA and Utah PTA Resolutions: 

The Utah PTA and its constituent associations support measures that will lower the ratio of
the current student to nurse ratio;

That Utah PTA and its constituent associations will work with the Utah Department of
Health, Utah State Board of Education, and the Utah School Nurse Association to
encourage schools and school districts to ensure school nurses are available to every school to help keep students healthy, safe, and ready to learn.

HB0114S04 | Early Learning Training and Assessment Amendments

General Description: 

This bill provides programs and assessments to improve early learning in literacy and mathematics.

Bill Details
Governor Signed
Last Action: 
Mar 28, 2020
Republican - District 8
Fiscal Note
Fiscal Note Amount: 
This bill appropriates in fiscal year 2021: to the State Board of Education - Minimum School Program - Related to Basic School Programs, as an ongoing appropriation: from the Education Fund, $3,935,000; and to the State Board of Education - MSP Categorical Program Administration, as an ongoing appropriation: from the Education Fund, $1,065,000.
Utah PTA Response
Utah PTA Position
Impact on Children: 

1. Teacher quality is the single most important school-based factor in student achievement.

Utah PTA Public Policy Program
Utah PTA Legislative Policy: 

Utah PTA Resolution EDU 2019-1 Best Practices in Education - Resolved, That Utah PTA and its constituent associations educate parents and community members to support practices which enhance teacher capacity.

Utah PTA Resolution EDU 2019-1 Best Practices in Education - Resolved, That Utah PTA and its constituent associations encourage the State Legislature to prioritize education funding in the areas of teacher capacity.

Utah PTA Legislative Priorities: 

Utah PTA Legislative Priority 2019-20 #7. Support legislation, funding, and community partnerships that provide programs and resources to strengthen families and children’s social and emotional well being through affordable housing, homelessness initiatives, education, and parenting skills, and juvenile justice reforms.

HB0116 | Student Attendance Amendments

General Description: 

This bill addresses school absences for mental or physical illness.

Highlighted Provisions: 

This bill prohibits documentation from a medical professional for an absence due to mental or physical illness.

Bill Details
Governor Signed
Last Action: 
Mar 16, 2021
Republican - District 63
Fiscal Note
Fiscal Note Amount: 
Utah PTA Response
Utah PTA Position
Impact on Children: 

The concept of parents being foremost responsible for their child's school attendance is good; nonetheless, parents can currently excuse a child's absence without a doctor's note.

Utah PTA Public Policy Program
National PTA and Utah PTA Resolutions: 

That Utah PTA and its constituent bodies encourage parents and student to promote student attendance and address chronic absenteeism through incentive programs, awards, events, or awareness campaigns.

HB0116S04 | Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls Task Force

General Description: 

This bill creates the Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls Task Force.

Bill Details
Governor Signed
Last Action: 
Mar 28, 2020
Democrat - District 26
Fiscal Note
Fiscal Note Amount: 
This bill appropriates in fiscal year 2021: to the Legislature - Senate as a one-time appropriation: from the General Fund, $3,200; to the Legislature - House of Representatives as a one-time appropriation: from the General Fund, $3,200; to the Legislature - Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel as a one-time appropriation: from the General Fund, $2,800.
Utah PTA Response
Utah PTA Position
Impact on Children: 

Among native youth, more than 60% have been recently exposed to violence in different sectors of their lives - at home, school, and within their community and 75% of those youth are more likely to become a future victims of violence or a perpetrator. A 2019 Center for Disease Control report shows that homicide is the 2nd and 3rd leading cause of death for Native American girls ages 1 to 4 and 5 to 9 respectively.

Utah PTA Public Policy Program
National PTA and Utah PTA Resolutions: 

Resolved,That Utah PTA and its constituent associations advocate for adequate laws to protect children in all areas of child abuse, neglect, maltreatment, and exploitation.

Utah PTA Legislative Priorities: 

4. Support safe practices and environments for all children.

6. Support measures to instill proven and effective prevention methods to promote healthy behaviors in children to be able to overcome the ills of society including suicide, tobacco use, vaping, underage drinking, drug abuse, sexual exploitation, bullying, and any form of addiction that is harmful to our children’s well-being.

HB0117S04 | Vaccine Reporting Requirements

General Description: 

This bill implements reporting requirements for vaccine information.

Highlighted Provisions: 

This bill requires a vaccine provider to register with the Utah Statewide Immunization Information System (USIS) and report vaccine information and allows an individual to opt out of having vaccine information share with USIS.

Bill Details
House/ filed
Last Action: 
Mar 05, 2021
Republican - District 19
Fiscal Note
Fiscal Note Amount: 
Utah PTA Response
Utah PTA Position
Impact on Children: 

This bill will ensure the ability of a patron to secure information about whether they have already received a vaccination--date and place. It will also prevent duplication of vaccination because a record cannot be produced to show an immunization was received. Parents can still opt out of having the immunization recorded in the database.

Utah PTA Public Policy Program
National PTA and Utah PTA Resolutions: 

That Utah PTA support legislative efforts to protect children and youth from communicable diseases through vaccinations or other prevention methods allowing for medical, religious, and personal exemptions

HB0118 | Incentives for Statewide Assessment Performance

General Description: 

This bill amends provisions related to the use of student assessments.

Bill Details
Governor Signed
Last Action: 
Mar 25, 2019
Republican - District 30
Fiscal Note
Fiscal Note Amount: 
Utah PTA Response
Utah PTA Position
Impact on Children: 

Positive incentives for taking the State Assessments may help motivate students to try harder on the test. This will give more reliable results for teachers to inform instruction and more reliable results for school accountability purposes.

Utah PTA Public Policy Program
National PTA and Utah PTA Resolutions: 

Resolved, That Utah PTA support systems of accountability for public schools that take into account qualitative characteristics, including a welcoming environment, family engagement efforts, administrative leadership, and community collaboration; in addition to quantitative measurements, such as educator qualifications, student absenteeism, average student tested
proficiency and student academic growth

HB0118S02 | Children's Hearing Aid Program Amendments

General Description: 

This bill amends provisions relating to the Children's Hearing Aid Program.

Highlighted Provisions: 

This bill requires the Department of Health to keep a record of the cost of providing a hearing aid to each child under the Children's Hearing Aid Program; and requires the department to send a letter to a family that participates in the Children's Hearing Aid program informing the family of how it may donate to the program.

Bill Details
Governor Signed
Last Action: 
Mar 11, 2021
Republican - District 72
Fiscal Note
Fiscal Note Amount: 
Utah PTA Response
Utah PTA Position
Impact on Children: 

Every child deserves a high-quality education, and that is why PTA fights to ensure all children, including those with special needs, have access to an optimum learning environment, which hearing aids can provide to children who are hard of hearing.

Family Life
Utah PTA Public Policy Program
National PTA and Utah PTA Resolutions: 

That Utah PTA and its organizations continue to support the right of each student with a disability to have access to an equal education via whatever means reasonable and necessary to specific disabilities, such as Individualized Education Programs (IEP’s) and 504 Accommodation Plans, which may include transportation, therapy, special services/equipment, reasonable accommodations and other supportive services the child requires to benefit from his/her educational program; and be it further

Utah PTA Legislative Policy: 

Equity in the form of equal justice, privileges, opportunities, and responsibilities in every phase of life for all children and youth, while recognizing that each child is unique with individual needs and talents.

Utah PTA Legislative Priorities: 

Support legislation, funding, and community partnerships that provide programs and resources to strengthen families and children’s social and emotional learning and well-being including, but not limited to: positive behavior programs and classes including art, music, physical education, civic engagement, and character development; early childhood education, parenting skills, and juvenile justice reforms.

National PTA and Utah PTA Position Statements: 

National PTA Position Statement - Education of Children with Special Needs: Other community entities that provide related services to students such as health care, counseling, social services, and hospitals should be expected to share in the cost or delivery of services to children who are disabled.

HB0118S04 | Retail Tobacco Amendments

General Description: 

This bill amends provisions relating to the sale of certain tobacco products.

Bill Details
House/ filed
Last Action: 
Mar 12, 2020
Democrat - District 24
Fiscal Note
Fiscal Note Amount: 
Utah PTA Response
Utah PTA Position
Impact on Children: 

This bill adds flavored tobacco products to the list of items that tobacco retailer sells. This definition will help to regulate the sale of flavored products and provide safer environments for children. This bill may work together with S.B. 37.

Student Leadership
Utah PTA Public Policy Program
National PTA and Utah PTA Resolutions: 

HEA 2015-2 | Electronic Cigarettes and Utah Youth
Resolved, That Utah PTA seek and support legislation that would include ENDS in the Utah Code Annotated definition of tobacco products and treat them as such – including the need for licensing, sales restrictions, tax parity, and marketing; and, be it further
Resolved, That Utah PTA support state and local ordinances that appropriately address regulations of ENDS products;

Utah PTA Legislative Policy: 

4. Support safe practices and environments for all children.

HB0120S06 | Student and School Safety Assessment

General Description: 

This bill enacts provisions related to school safety.

Bill Details
Governor Signed
Last Action: 
Mar 28, 2019
Republican - District 19
Fiscal Note
Fiscal Note Amount: 
This bill appropriates in fiscal year 2020: to the State Board of Education - MSP Categorical Program Administration - State Safety and Support Program, as an ongoing appropriation: from the Education Fund, $480,000; to the Department of Public Safety - Programs and Operations - Department Commissioner's Office, as an ongoing appropriation: from the General Fund, $150,000; and to the Department of Human Services - Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health, as an ongoing appropriation: from the General Fund, $150,000.
Utah PTA Response
Utah PTA Position

Utah PTA continues to work for enhanced legislation that promotes safe schools and encourages decision making and control be under the direction of local school boards. However, we believe the fiscal responsibility of this bill should come from new revenue sources and not at the expense of an increase in WPU, fully funded student growth and trust lands dispersments.

Impact on Children: 

Unsafe schools make it difficult for students to concentrate on learning. Many school officials and community members are working together with families to build a safe environment where children and youth can flourish and grow. Since being prepared can reduce the fear, anxiety, losses that accompany disasters, communities, families, and individuals should know what to do in the event of a disaster.

Utah PTA Public Policy Program
National PTA and Utah PTA Resolutions: 

Resolved, That Utah PTA and its constituent associations work to provide for the safety and survival of all children in a disaster by collaborating with schools, cities, first responders and parents by adopting and maintaining an all-hazards approach in the school's emergency preparedness and response plans specific to their school's needs, and be it further Resolved, That Utah PTA and its constituent associations work with Utah schools to educate and train students, parents, staff and first responders on their school's emergency preparedness and response plan by facilitating drills and exercises including evacuation, lockdown, shelter-inplace and reunification, and be it further Resolved, That Utah PTA and its constituent associations urge local and state policy makers to update policies to current standards, facilitate multiagency coordination, promote education and fund comprehensive emergency preparedness plans. Resolved, That Utah PTA and its constituent bodies work with their respective state education specialists, in there districts, schools, and communities to encourage the development and implementation of safe school policies, and and be it further Resolved, That Utah PTA continues to work for enhanced legislation that promotes safe schools.

National PTA Public Policy Agenda

Safe and Supportive Schools Position Statement Establish a clear and enforceable visitor/guest identification system and provide training for school staff to recognize and report individuals who are not properly identified. Examine on a regular basis the use, functionality, and effectiveness of all locally determined physical security measures. Evaluate access points to the school and surrounding property including parking lots, open spaces, playgrounds, and playing fields to limit access to non-school personnel during school hours

HB0122S01 | Sex Offender Registry Amendments

General Description: 

This bill amends provisions related to individuals required to register for the sex offender registry.

Highlighted Provisions: 

14 ▸ clarifies that juveniles committing qualifying offenses are still required to comply
15 with registry requirements;
16 ▸ adds attempt, solicitation, and conspiracy to commit certain human trafficking
17 offenses to the offenses that qualify for the sex offender registry;
18 ▸ clarifies that for purposes of determining a lifetime registration requirement for an
19 offender under 21 years old, a sentencing court may determine at any time after a
20 conviction that the offense did not involve force or coercion;
21 ▸ enacts provisions related to juveniles transferred from the custody of the Division of
22 Juvenile Justice Services to the Department of Corrections;
23 ▸ specifies the number of days an offender may drive a particular car before that car's
24 information must be reported;
25 ▸ requires the Department of Corrections to maintain, but not publish, information on
26 individuals who were under 18 years old when they committed a qualifying offense,
27 unless the offender committed an offense requiring lifetime registration;

Bill Details
Governor Signed
Last Action: 
Mar 14, 2023
Republican - District 61
Fiscal Note
Fiscal Note Amount: 
Utah PTA Response
Utah PTA Position
Impact on Children: 

Children should be safe in their community and should be protected from dangerous individuals; However, every child should have the opportunity to reach their full potential—even if they make a mistake while growing up. This bill protects juvenile offenders from being on the sex-offender registry if they committed a crime while under the age of 18.

Utah PTA Public Policy Program
National PTA and Utah PTA Resolutions: 

Resolved, That Utah PTA and its constituent associations promote and support the adoption and enforcement of laws, at all levels of government, to end the recruitment, force or involvement of a minor in conduct or violence of a sexually nature and all forms of sexual exploitation; and be it further
Resolved, That Utah PTA and its constituent associations advocate for the protection of rights of victims and support provided measures for the physical, psychological, and social recovery of victims of sexual exploitation

Utah PTA Legislative Policy: 

To promote the welfare of children and youth in home, school, community, and place of worship.
Equity in the form of equal justice, privileges, opportunities, and responsibilities in every phase of life for all children and youth, while recognizing that each child is unique with individual needs and talents.

National PTA and Utah PTA Position Statements: 

Encourage collaboration between law enforcement, the judicial system, and child welfare agencies.

Assist youth leaving the juvenile justice system, and prevent their return.

National PTA Public Policy Agenda

Encourage schools to use positive behavioral interventions and supports that are effective, fair and consistently implemented. Such practices may include restorative justice and trauma-informed care

HB0124 | Salary Supplement for School Speech-language Pathologists and Audiologists

General Description: 

This bill makes certain speech-language pathologists and audiologists eligible for the Teacher Salary Supplement Program.

Highlighted Provisions: 

Makes certain speech-language pathologists and audiologists eligible for the Teacher Salary Supplement Program; and makes technical and conforming changes.

Bill Details
House/ filed
Last Action: 
Mar 03, 2023
Republican - District 3
Fiscal Note
Fiscal Note Amount: 
Utah PTA Response
Utah PTA Position
Impact on Children: 

Retention of quality professions working in our schools benefits our students

Utah PTA Public Policy Program
National PTA and Utah PTA Resolutions: 

That Utah PTA support adequate funding for and encourage consideration of financial incentives to recruit and retain highly qualified and effective educators, including appropriation of adequate funding to upgrade salary schedules; and be it further

HB0125 | Intergenerational Poverty Solution

General Description: 

This bill creates the Education Savings Incentive Program.

Highlighted Provisions: 

This bill creates the Education Savings Incentive Program (the program), including: providing a process for an individual identified by the Department of Workforce Services as experiencing intergenerational poverty to receive a state match of deposits into certain 529 savings accounts up to $300 a year. Must be working, and qualify as Intergeneration Poverty & the Earned Income Credit.

Bill Details
House/ filed
Last Action: 
Mar 05, 2021
Republican - District 64
Fiscal Note
Fiscal Note Amount: 
This bill appropriates in fiscal year 2022: to Education Fund Restricted -- Education Savings Incentive Restricted Account, as an ongoing appropriation: from Education Fund, $870,800. to Education Fund Restricted -- Education Savings Incentive Restricted Account, as a one-time appropriation: from Education Fund, $6,900. to Department of Workforce Services -- Administration, as an ongoing appropriation: from Education Fund Restricted -- Education Savings Incentive Restricted Account, $870,800. to Department of Workforce Services -- Operations and Policy, as a one-time appropriation: from Education Fund Restricted -- Education Savings Incentive Restricted Account, $6,900.
Utah PTA Response
Utah PTA Position
Oppose w/ Comment

While Utah PTA supports Intergenerational Poverty solutions that promote higher education and success in education, Utah PTA opposes this bill because we do not believe this bill is an effective way to get those out of Intergeneration Poverty by using education dollars to support matching funds in a 529 account. 529 plans are poorly designed to help low income families. Only 0.3 percent of households in the bottom half of the income distribution (under $56,516 in 2015) have 529 accounts.

Impact on Children: 

This bill is like a voucher using education dollars to pay for a program to match 529 funds to help those in Intergenerational Poverty.

Family Life
Utah PTA Public Policy Program
National PTA and Utah PTA Resolutions: 

That Utah PTA oppose vouchers, tax credits and deductions and other similar funding
sources for public and private preschool, elementary and secondary school tuition and
other education-related expenses for students.

Utah PTA Legislative Priorities: 

Support education legislation which guarantees that public funds intended for the funding of the public education system not be allocated for private interests including vouchers, tax credits, or other means.

HB0126S03 | Division of Juvenile Justice Services Rulemaking Amendments

General Description: 

This bill addresses rulemaking authority by the Division of Juvenile Justice Services.

Highlighted Provisions: 

This bill:
requires the Division of Juvenile Justice Services to create rules regarding policies and procedures to prevent, detect, and respond to sexual assaults of minors in detention and secure care facilities; requires the Division of Juvenile Justice Services to create rules regarding the collection and reporting of data regarding sexual assaults of minors in detention and secure care facilities

Bill Details
Governor Signed
Last Action: 
Mar 22, 2022
Democrat - District 26
Fiscal Note
Fiscal Note Amount: 
Utah PTA Response
Utah PTA Position
Impact on Children: 

This law would help victims of sexual assault that are minors in detention and secure care facilities; it would help protect them by creating rules, policies, rules and procedures to prevent, detect, and respond to sexual assaults in those facilities.

Utah PTA Public Policy Program
National PTA and Utah PTA Resolutions: 

Resolved, That Utah PTA and its constituent associations promote and support the adoption and enforcement of laws, at all levels of government, to end the recruitment, force or involvement of a minor in conduct or violence of a sexually nature and all forms of sexual exploitation; and be it further

Resolved, That Utah PTA and its constituent associations encourage and call for members, policy makers, schools and community organizations to actively raise awareness and to address those conditions and situations that contribute to the sexual exploitation of a minor

Utah PTA Legislative Policy: 

To promote the welfare of children and youth in home, school, community, and place of worship.
To secure adequate laws for the care and protection of children and youth.