Legislative Bills

Primary tabs

HB0029S03 | Mental Health Support and Law Enforcement Co-response

General Description: 

This bill requires the Division of Integrated Healthcare to establish a grant program to fund best practice crisis intervention teams.

Highlighted Provisions: 

This bill creates a grant program for new or expanded crisis intervention or mobile crisis outreach teams to intervene instead of law enforcement if they situation warrants that response.

Bill Details
House/ filed
Last Action: 
Mar 03, 2023
Democrat - District 40
Fiscal Note
Fiscal Note Amount: 
This bill appropriates for fiscal year 2024: to the Department of Health and Human Services - Integrated Health Care Services, as a one-time appropriation: from the General Fund, One-time, $2,000,000.
Utah PTA Response
Utah PTA Position
Utah PTA Public Policy Program
National PTA and Utah PTA Resolutions: 

That Utah PTA support collaborative efforts between the home, school, private physicians, and community resource agencies to create mental health support networks for families, to recognize the prevalence and need for recognition of mental health illnesses and associated diagnosis

That Utah PTA and its constituent associations advocate for programs, policies, and legislation which provide adequate training and resources for recognizing and helping children with emotional and behavioral problems

Utah PTA Legislative Policy: 

To promote the welfare of children and youth in home, school, community, and place of worship.

Utah PTA Legislative Priorities: 

HEALTH. Support legislation that addresses mental health needs of Utah’s children and families by increasing education and awareness of current statewide mental health issues; and providing funding for prevention, early intervention, and evidenced-based community outreach programs.

HB0029S02 | Sensitive Material Review Amendments

General Description: 

This bill amends provisions regarding the evaluation of instructional material to identify and remove pornographic or indecent material.

Highlighted Provisions: 

Sensitive Materials bill that makes changes to review process and rules for banning books. 

Bill Details
Governor Signed
Last Action: 
Mar 18, 2024
Republican - District 39
Fiscal Note
Fiscal Note Amount: 
Utah PTA Response
Utah PTA Position
Local Issue
Impact on Children: 

Pornographic materials do not belong in our K-12 schools. Local communities may have differing views on what constitutes pornography. Therefore the issue should be left to local boards to manage. Also, a small number of LEAs should not decide this for the whole state.

Utah PTA Public Policy Program
Utah PTA Legislative Policy: 

Maximum local control when it serves the best interest of all children and youth.

Utah PTA Legislative Priorities: 

EDUCATION. Support an adequately funded public school system by funding an 8% WPU increase over and above growth and inflation; implement policies to increase proficiency levels by improving attendance, reducing class sizes, and supporting teachers; increase academic excellence for all Utah students; and prioritize local control to LEAs and individual schools.

HB0031 | Unaccompanied Minors in Autonomous Vehicles

General Description: 

This bill establishes a workgroup on unaccompanied minors and autonomous vehicles.

Highlighted Provisions: 

This bill establishes a workgroup on unaccompanied minors and autonomous vehicles.

Bill Details
House/ filed
Last Action: 
Mar 05, 2021
Democrat - District 34
Fiscal Note
Fiscal Note Amount: 
Utah PTA Response
Utah PTA Position

We are having the students follow this bill. Would you put your child in a driverless car to go to soccer practice? This bill presents a lot of good conversation starters, and an opportunity for students to follow a bill that impacts them.

Impact on Children: 

We are very concerned with putting a child in a car without a seat belt, what about without a driver? This is an issue that needs to be studied dealing with the safety of our children.

Student Leadership
Day at the Capitol
Utah PTA Public Policy Program
National PTA and Utah PTA Resolutions: 

National PTA Resolution on Safety

Utah PTA Legislative Priorities: 

#5 healthy & safe environments for children

#6 parenting skills, civic involvement

HB0032S03 | Crisis Services Amendments

General Description: 

This bill relates to crisis response treatment and resources.

Bill Details
Governor Signed
Last Action: 
Mar 30, 2020
Republican - District 43
Fiscal Note
Fiscal Note Amount: 
This bill appropriates in fiscal year 2021: to Department of Human Services -- Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health -- Community Mental Health Services, as an ongoing appropriation: From General Fund, $10,460,000; to Department of Human Services -- Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health -- Community Mental Health Services, as a one-time appropriation: From General Fund, One-time, $5,652,000; to Governor's Office -- Suicide Prevention -- Suicide Prevention, as an ongoing appropriation: from General Fund, $100,000; and to University of Utah -- SafeUT Crisis Text and Tip Line -- SafeUT Operations, as an ongoing appropriation: from General Fund, $250,000.
Utah PTA Response
Utah PTA Position
Impact on Children: 

This bill will help provide resources to individuals, including children, who are experiencing a mental health crisis.  Providing access and also education to families will help children needing this support. The bill specifically requires the Department of Human Services to establish a statewide stabilization services plan and standards for providing stabilization services to a child.  "Stabilization services" means in-home services provided to a child with, or who is at risk for, complex emotional and behavioral needs, including teaching the child's parent or guardian skills to improve family functioning.  The purpose is to increase access to mental health crisis services for individuals experiencing a mental health crisis and reduce the number of people incarcerated or using hospital emergency room resources.

Utah PTA Public Policy Program
National PTA and Utah PTA Resolutions: 

Utah PTA Resolution HEA 2019-2 Youth Suicide Prevention
Resolved, That Utah PTA and its constituent associations support education and training to parents, teachers, administrators, students and the community that focuses on recognizing warning signs, teaching intervention skills, and providing safe messaging in regards to suicide; and be it further
Resolved, That Utah PTA and its constituent associations support evidence-based suicide prevention programs focused on improving mental health including, but not limited to, teaching students, teachers, and parents mindfulness skills, coping skills, decision making skills, and helping them to build connections and improve dispositions;

Utah PTA Resolution HEA 2019-1 Prevention & Promotion of Healthy Behaviors

Resolved, Utah PTA and its constituent associations will support evidence based programs to decrease risk factors and increase protective factors in our homes, schools and communities; 

Utah PTA Legislative Policy: 

The legislative policy is the philosophy and general principles which guide the Utah PTA’s consideration of proposed legislation.

The Utah PTA is a non-profit, grassroots, child advocacy association made up of parents, teachers, and students. The legislative program of the Utah PTA is derived from the work of PTA in home, school, and community. PTA efforts “to secure adequate laws for the care and protection of children and youth” are based upon:

1. The recognition of the home as the foundation of our society;
2. Parental involvement as an essential component of all policy-making processes pertaining to children;

Utah PTA Legislative Priorities: 

7. Support legislation, funding, and community partnerships that provide programs and resources to strengthen families and children’s social and emotional well being through affordable housing, homelessness initiatives, education, and parenting skills, and juvenile justice reforms.

HB0033S01 | Abuse, Neglect, and Dependency Proceedings Amendments

General Description: 

This bill addresses proceedings in regards to the abuse, neglect, or dependency of a child and termination of parental rights.

Bill Details
Governor Signed
Last Action: 
Mar 28, 2020
Republican - District 14
Fiscal Note
Fiscal Note Amount: 
Utah PTA Response
Utah PTA Position
Impact on Children: 

1. Advocate for adequate laws to protect children in all areas of child abuse, neglect, maltreatment, and exploitation. 2. Recognizes the importance of parental roles and encourages parental involvement in all aspects of their children’s lives.  3. To help prevent irretrievable destruction of family life.

Family Life
Utah PTA Public Policy Program
National PTA and Utah PTA Resolutions: 

Resolved,That Utah PTA and its constituent associations advocate for adequate laws to protect children in all areas of child abuse, neglect, maltreatment, and exploitation.

Utah PTA Legislative Policy: 

2.High standards for those who work in all areas concerned with children and youth.

1.The recognition of the home as the foundation of our society;

Utah PTA Legislative Priorities: 

4. Support safe practices and environments for all children.

HB0034S01 | Cigarette Amendments

General Description: 

This bill modifies tax and criminal code provisions related to cigarettes.

Highlighted Provisions: 

modifies the definitions of "cigarette" and "electronic cigarette."
line 36 in particular adds the word "heated" to encompass the possibility of IQOS tobacco products entering the market.

Bill Details
Governor Signed
Last Action: 
Mar 23, 2022
Republican - District 45
Fiscal Note
Fiscal Note Amount: 
Utah PTA Response
Utah PTA Position
Impact on Children: 

Tobacco companies bring new products into the marketplace, and often will have no regulations in place for the first few years. Like we have seen with e-cigarettes, that gives them time to establish a market with the youth.

Student Leadership
Utah PTA Public Policy Program
National PTA and Utah PTA Resolutions: 

That Utah PTA support state and local ordinances that appropriately address regulations of
ENDS products; and, be it further resolved That Utah PTA support the position that any revenue generated through taxation of ENDS
should support tobacco cessation and prevention programs; and, be it further

Utah PTA Legislative Policy: 

To secure adequate laws for the care and protection of children and youth.

National PTA Public Policy Agenda

provide early intervention and prevention programs

HB0037S01 | Child Protection Unit Amendments

General Description: 

This bill addresses child protection units and teams.

Highlighted Provisions: 

This bill repeals the Child Protection Unit Pilot Program; reenacts provisions authorizing a child protection unit to share case-specific.

Bill Details
Governor Signed
Last Action: 
Mar 11, 2021
Republican - District 14
Fiscal Note
Fiscal Note Amount: 
Utah PTA Response
Utah PTA Position
Impact on Children: 

This bill reenacts provisions authorizing a child protection unit to share case-specific information with certain persons to protect children.

Family Life
Utah PTA Public Policy Program
National PTA and Utah PTA Resolutions: 

That Utah PTA and its constituent associations advocate for adequate laws to protect children in all areas of child abuse, neglect, maltreatment, and exploitation.

Utah PTA Legislative Policy: 

To promote the welfare of children and youth in home, school, community, and place of worship. High standards for those who work in all areas concerned with children and youth.

Utah PTA Legislative Priorities: 

Support legislation, funding, and community partnerships that provide programs and resources to strengthen families and children’s social and emotional learning and well-being including, but not limited to: positive behavior programs and classes including art, music, physical education, civic engagement, and character development; early childhood education, parenting skills, and juvenile justice reforms.

HB0038 | School Technology Amendments

General Description: 

This bill requires digital resources, provided by UETN to Utah's public schools, to block obscene or pornographic material.

Highlighted Provisions: 

This bill:
▸ requires a digital resource provider to ensure that the digital resource provider's products used in public schools block "obscene or pornographic material";
▸ provides that a digital resource provider's failure to comply with this bill after receiving notice is a breach of contract;
▸ requires UETN to enter into contracts with digital resource providers that comply

Bill Details
Governor Signed
Last Action: 
Mar 16, 2021
Republican - District 62
Fiscal Note
Fiscal Note Amount: 
Utah PTA Response
Utah PTA Position
Impact on Children: 

Children and youth have been exposed to obscene and pornographic material in school databases at school. These databases are unable to be filtered by the schools' filtering systems. The UETN contracts with companies to provide these databases for research purposes for students. Unfortunately, students have been exposed to harmful material to minors in some of these databases. This bill does not want to get rid of valuable school databases, it simply wants the databases to be responsible for the content that they contain so that children and youth will be protected from harm when they are doing research at school.

Family Life
Utah PTA Public Policy Program
Utah PTA Legislative Policy: 

To secure adequate laws for the care and protection of children and youth.

Utah PTA Legislative Priorities: 

5. Support measures to promote safe and healthy environments and behaviors for children to prevent suicide, sexual exploitation, and human trafficking.

National PTA and Utah PTA Position Statements: 

Mass Media Position Statement: 
Resolved, That Utah PTA and its constituent associations work to set high expectations in digital and interactive media, for the distribution, motivation, and skilled use of technology in caring for and protecting children and youth in Utah; and be it further
Resolved, That Utah PTA and constituent associations urge its members at all levels to advocate for federal and local laws, regulations and programs that prohibit digital content that is considered illegal or harmful to children;

HB0038S01 | Psychotropic Medication Oversight Pilot Program Amendments

General Description: 

This bill amends provisions related to the psychotropic medication oversight pilot program.

Highlighted Provisions: 

Amends provisions to make the psychotropic medication oversight pilot program permanent, moves operation of the program from the Division of Child and Family Services to the Division of Integrated Healthcare, addresses the membership of the program's oversight team; amends provisions regarding the duties of the oversight team and a foster child's caseworker; adds certain reporting requirements for the division and the oversight team; requires the Department of Health and Human Services to pay standard MedicaidBetter monitoring of Psychotropic medications.

Bill Details
Governor Signed
Last Action: 
Mar 14, 2024
Republican - District 43
Fiscal Note
Fiscal Note Amount: 
Utah PTA Response
Utah PTA Position
Impact on Children: 

Better monitoring of Psychotropic medications for children in foster care. 

Utah PTA Public Policy Program
National PTA and Utah PTA Resolutions: 

That Utah PTA support collaborative efforts between the home, school, private physicians, and community resource agencies to create mental health support networks for families, to recognize the prevalence and need for recognition of mental health illnesses and associated diagnosis and treatment. 

Utah PTA Legislative Priorities: 

HEALTH: Support legislative action that focuses on the diverse mental health needs of Utah’s students and families, with a focus on promoting protective factors. This includes increasing public knowledge and understanding of mental health concerns throughout the state, access to resources, as well as providing funding for proactive prevention, timely interventions, and community-based initiatives utilizing evidence-based methods.

HB0040S04 | Native American Child and Family Amendments

General Description: 

This bill addresses the protection of Indian children and families.

Highlighted Provisions: 

This bill:
15          ▸     enacts the Utah Indian Child Welfare Act, including:
23               •     addressing placement of Indian children;
24               •     creating a process to return custody of an Indian child;
25               •     addressing information related to tribal affiliation;
26               •     authorizing agreements between the state and Indian tribes under certain
27     circumstances;
28               •     addressing improper removal of an Indian child;
29               •     explaining the application of state or federal standards;
30               •     providing for emergency removal or placement of an Indian child;

Bill Details
House/ filed
Last Action: 
Mar 03, 2023
Republican - District 67
Fiscal Note
Fiscal Note Amount: 
Utah PTA Response
Utah PTA Position
Impact on Children: 

The Indian Child Welfare Act will create a better support system for Indian children by placing them, in a tribal foster home before being removed from the community to be placed in foster care. It also clearly defines the parameters for adopting an Indian child. Indian tribes are given exclusive jurisdiction over all custody hearings.

Community Engagement
Utah PTA Public Policy Program
National PTA and Utah PTA Resolutions: 

Resolved: That Utah PTA encourage the legislature to pass laws that will ensure that the best interests of the child be given primary emphasis in placement matters.

Resolved: That Utah PTA encourage the legislature to pass laws that will ensure that the best interests of the child be given primary emphasis in adoption matters

Utah PTA Legislative Policy: 

To promote the welfare of children and youth in home, school, community, and place of worship.To raise the standards of home life. To maximize local control when it serves the best interest of all children and youth.

To secure adequate laws for the care and protection of children and youth.

Utah PTA Legislative Priorities: 

FAMILY ENGAGEMENT. Support policies which will increase family and community engagement and promote local positive parental involvement across the state of Utah.