
General Description: 
Highlighted Provisions: 

HB 208 disallows any pedagogical performance assessment as a requirement for teacher licensure. It would require all competencies to be certified by a teacher leader prior to licensure. The teacher leader must have an assignment as a teacher. This would be an additional duty on top of regular teaching duties. A teacher leader has to evaluate competencies for all who gain their professional license, whether through university or APPEL program. It also requires USBE to collaborate with USHE to establish a strategy for an additional pathway to becoming a professionally licensed teacher.

Bill Details
Republican - District 62
Fiscal Note
Fiscal Note Amount: 
Utah PTA Response
Utah PTA Position
Impact on Children: 

Teachers without pedagogical competency are less prepared to manage a classroom, and studies show that they do not stay in the profession as long as those with pedagogical training. Having a teacher leader certify pedagogy puts an additional burden on the other teachers in the school. Also, there are concerns about the fiscal impact of paying stipends to the teacher leaders.

Utah PTA Public Policy Program
National PTA and Utah PTA Resolutions: 

Teacher quality is the single most important school-based factor in student achievement; teacher’s knowledge of subject matter and effective pedagogies for teaching specific content and skills, along with particular knowledge about their students’ backgrounds, interests, and learning styles are central to effective teaching and learning; and to build teacher capacity the focus should be on policy, training, pedagogy, infrastructure development, teacher welfare, and empowerment.