National PTA and Utah PTA Resolutions:
Utah PTA and its constituent bodies support the adoption of “Idle-Free Zones” on school grounds; and be it further
Utah PTA and its constituent bodies work with local schools and school districts to install “Idle-Free Zone” signs at school drop-off and pick-up locations; and be it further
Utah PTA and its constituent bodies encourage parents to turn off their vehicles when they are parked and waiting to drop off and pick up children on school grounds; and be it further
Utah PTA and its constituent bodies conduct and/or support broad education of school employees, parents, students, and the public about the health, environmental, and economic impacts of idling and ways to reduce idling; and be it further
Utah PTA Legislative Policy:
Engage the public in united and equitable efforts to secure the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and social well-being of all children and youth.