Advocacy: for your child and Utah Children!

What's advocating for education?

Did you know:

  • Every time you attend the Parent-Teacher Conference for your child, you are advocating for education.
  • Every time you attend meetings of your School Community Council or serve as a parent representative on your school's Council, you are advocating for education.
  • Every time you contact your District School Board member about your concerns, you are advocating for education.
  • Every time you follow education issues and email your state legislator, congressional representative, or US senator, you are advocating for education.
  • And every time you teach other parents to do any of these things, you are advocating better education for every child!

The trick to effective advocacy is knowing who to go to for any given problem.

7 Ways Parents Can Advocate for Public Education
The research is clear: When families and communities are involved in their children’s education, students attend school more regularly, stay in school longer, and perform at higher levels. That’s because educators can’t tackle public education alone. They need help from students’ families.

Here are seven things you can do to make sure ALL children have access to a great public school:

1. Serve on the school board and/or attend school board meetings where you can be vocal and persuasive. Attend school district meetings when academic issues are discussed.

2. Contact school leaders and state education officials to express support for policies that provide all children—no matter their ZIP code—with access to great public schools.

3. Talk to community and faith-based leaders about why they must be involved in the schools in their communities and fight for what’s right for children.

4. Write a letter to your local newspaper editor describing the issues your children face in school, and what can be done to help support their teachers.

5. Visit your members of Congress when they are at home so that they appreciate your level of commitment to ensuring great public schools.

6. Talk to local business leaders and military families who understand how educated citizens benefit the economy, communities, and the nation.

7. Discuss education issues with friends who may not have children in public schools. Talk about education when you’re in the grocery store, and at community sporting events. Wherever you are, talk about why it is important to support public education!
Parent Articles and Resources, National Education Association

Governor’s Road Map to Education

The Utah PTA President is a member of the Governor's Excellence in Education Commission. This commission consists 33 members representing the Governor’s office, the legislature, businesses, state and local school boards, superintendents, charters, parents, teachers, and principals.  For the past few years this commission has been working to create a plan that unites all education stakeholders towards best practices for student success.

The plan can be read here:


Utah PTA Resolutions

Utah PTA votes on resolutions that then inform our position on bills during the legislative sessions. Click here to see the full list of all resolutions, across all commissions. Use the Type "Education" to get the resolutions dealing specifically with education. Or, see the list below for a brief overview of the Education Resolutions as of the end of September 2021.


School Grades

Did you know that each school in Utah has a "grade"? Yes, the Utah Legislature requires that Utah public schools are assigned Grades on a yearly basis.

From 2011-2016 School Grades were assigned through a Normative process. This limited the % of schools earning an A or B and cut scores for school grades could adjust in any given year.

UTAH Senate Bill 220 required that "The board shall engage in a criteria setting process to establish performance thresholds for overall ratings."

From 2018 and on School Grades will be assigned through a Criterion process. Performance thresholds were established through a standard setting process. Cut scores for school grades are fixed and do not shift based on schools’ performance. Schools have the necessary information to work towards a higher grade.

Labels for the performance levels are defined in statute:

​​​​​​“A” represents an exemplary school

“B” represents a commendable school

“C” represents a typical school

“D” represents a developing school

“F” represents a critical needs school
For more on the above information see: Utah School Accountability Standard Setting ANN-MICHELLE NEAL, ED.S ACCOUNTABILITY SPECIALIST UTAH STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION

Elementary & Middle Schools will be graded on Proficiency, Growth, Growth of the Lowest 25%, and English Learner Progress

High Schools will be graded on Proficiency, Growth, Growth of the Lowest 25%, Graduation Rates, ACT Scores, and # of students taking advanced coursework

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