Non-Profit Virtual Exhibitor Hall Application

If you are not a non-profit, please see the  Virtual Exhibitor Hall Application.

The Virtual Exhibitor Hall is linked to from the Utah PTA homepage.  Visit the Exhibitor Hall  

Pay for three months at a time or pay for up to an entire year.  Listing will be posted to the Utah PTA Virtual Exhibitor Hall page at the beginning of the period paid or within 2 business days if the period has already begun and will remain on the website through the last day of the time paid.  

After payment is sent, please send an email to with the following information:

  • Your logo
  • A summary of 50 words or less
  • A longer description of up to 500 words.  Text can include links and contact information if desired.  
  • A link to a video stored on Vimeo, YouTube, or in a Google drive.  If video is in a Google drive, we will upload it to our website for storage.  
  • Please attach any PDFs or documents you would like attached to your page.  
  • Please list any of your social media accounts.
  • Please attach a copy of your IRS Determination Letter (for non-profit verification purposes, not for display on website)

If you would rather mail in a check, you may print the form here.  

This email is where you will receive your event login information
Please enter your IRS Tax Exempt Number and email a copy of your determination letter to
Select the desired months