Position Statements
Position statements are initiated by members of the Utah PTA or National PTA Board of Directors and approved by a majority vote of that body. Position statements provide guidance rather than prescribe specific policy actions to be taken by the association and are meant to be temporary in their nature until a resolution on the issue can be passed by the membership at the annual Utah PTA Advocacy Conference or Leadership Convention. Position statements have the same level of authority as resolutions.
Utah PTA Positions
Utah PTA has five basic positions it takes on legislation or policy. The Utah PTA Public Program is the primary authority for public policy action and statements by Utah PTA on state and local legislation or administrative policies and regulations.
- Support - Utah PTA is in favor of the legislation or policy
- Oppose - Utah PTA is against the legislation or policy
- Local Issue - This is a matter which should be decided by the local education agency (LEA), school board, or local community
- Reserve Position - Bill or policy still needs work and Utah PTA is unable to take a position as it currently stands
- Unnecessary - Bill or policy is not necessary