Resolutions Tools Kit

What is a Resolution?

A resolution is a call for action. The advocacy work for Utah PTA is directed by National and Utah PTA Resolutions and the Utah PTA Public Policy Program.  National and Utah PTA Resolutions are statements which give direction for action, such as directives to legislative bodies regarding policies, state and local agencies, and recommendations for family and community involvement. Utah PTA Resolutions contain "whereas" statements based on current resources which outline the problems, concerns, or opportunities and the impact on children and youth of a specific topic and "resolved" statements, which direct the work that should be done in regards to that topic. 

Local PTAs, councils, regions, and Utah PTA commissions and committees may submit resolutions for consideration to the Utah PTA Resolutions Committee.  Instructions can be found below.

Utah PTA resolutions are online at:

National PTA resolutions are online at: National-PTA-Resolutions

Utah PTA Business and Resolutions Meeting

All Utah PTA positions are based upon the PTA Purposes and Mission along with resolutions which have been adopted at the annual Utah PTA Leadership Convention and Utah PTA Advocacy Conference by delegate members.

Proposed new resolutions are available on the Utah PTA website 30 days prior to the Advocacy Conference, and/ or 30 days prior to the Utah PTA Leadership Convention. They are debated at the business/resolutions meetings held during the Utah PTA Leadership Convention and at the Advocacy Conference.

It is important that local members be made aware of and voice their opinions and/or concerns about these resolutions. Local PTA leaders are encouraged to provide resolutions information to your membership in a timely manner and discuss the resolutions with your members in order to answer questions on the resolutions prior to the Leadership Convention and Advocacy Conference. This will help delegates attending the convention or conference business meetings be prepared to speak for or against the resolution based on the desires of your members.

Individuals may be asked to advocate for issues or positions with which they personally disagree. With our diverse membership this is likely to occur. If you feel you cannot advocate for a particular position, you must remain neutral on the topic within your role as a PTA leader. You are responsible to pass information on to board members.

Emergency Resolutions

Emergency resolutions may be brought to the Utah PTA Leadership Convention or Advocacy Conference floor if the following provisions for submitting them are met:

  • The urgency of the subject matter shall not have arisen until after the June 15 or the November 15 resolutions deadline.
  • Emergency resolutions shall conform to all established criteria for other resolutions.
  • Emergency resolutions must be submitted to the Utah PTA president 15 days prior to convention to allow the Resolutions Committee to review them.
  • Copies of the emergency resolutions approved for presentation to the convention/Advocacy Conference body shall be prepared for the delegates by the submitting group and distributed to the delegates at the Leadership Convention/Advocacy Conference.
  • A two-third vote of the delegate body is necessary to bring an emergency resolution to the floor to
  • be considered.


Utah PTA Resolutions

Procedure for Submitting

Deadline for Submission of Notification of Intent for Debate

  • Advocacy Conference May 1
  • May Leadership Convention October 1


Deadline for Submission of Resolutions for Debate

  • Advocacy Conference June 15
  • May Leadership Convention November 15


How is a Resolution Processed?

The Utah PTA Resolutions Committee meets and considers all resolutions sent to them that meet resolution submission requirements. Resolutions approved by the committee are presented to the Utah PTA Board of Directors for approval. The Board of Directors cannot accept any resolution that is not consistent with PTA Purposes or policies. (See Utah PTA Bylaws, Article XX Section 1.) Resolutions approved for state action will be available online at, or 30 days before Leadership Convention or Advocacy Conference. The convention delegates will then take action on those resolutions at convention or conference.


The Utah PTA Resolutions Committee reviews submitted resolutions against established criteria. To assure that your resolution meets these criteria, please use the following checklist:


This resolution:

  1. Is in harmony with the Purposes and basic policies of Utah PTA and National PTA.
  2. Concerns a matter that is statewide in scope and requires statewide action for solution.
  3. States a position not previously adopted by Utah PTA.
  4. Is written in approved Utah PTA resolution format using 11 pt. Times New Roman (see examples of current resolutions at
  5. Is accompanied by documentation that is statewide or national in scope and from a variety of sources.
  6. Includes two forms of documentation references from reputable, academic sources for each "whereas," with the “whereas” footnoted to the full citation at the bottom (see documentation instructions below).
  7. Uses current resource material (less than six years old).
  8. Provides sufficient background to give a person with no knowledge of the subject enough information to make an intelligent decision.
  9. Includes paper copies of all documented sources. (If the source is over 30 pages, the title page and only the relevant sections may be included, provided it is clearly noted that the entire source is not being submitted.)
  10. Is accompanied by the “Utah PTA Resolutions Cover Sheet” found in this section of the handbook with the appropriate signatures.
  11. Documentation should support each “whereas” clause of the resolution and should indicate that the subject of the resolution was well researched by the submitting group.
  12. Documentation should include a variety of sources. Otherwise, there is a danger that only one person’s or one organization’s opinion is being reflected and that a comprehensive view is not presented.
  13. Documentation material should be factual. It can include, but is not limited to: information such as educational, safety, and welfare articles or updates; copies of documented research; copies of pertinent laws, government publications, and regulations; and copies of articles from professional publications.
    Newspaper articles, abstracts, editorials, and websites alone are not sufficient documentation as they are second­hand sources and often statements of opinion. Avoid using material from other organizations intended for lobbying or advocacy purposes as these items may present a biased view and often do not cite their sources.
  14. PTA materials are not acceptable documentation, since this is “circular” information; it says, in effect, that “PTA believes this is true because PTA says so.” Independent sources are required as proof for establishing new positions.
  15. Personal letters, logs of phone calls, and email printouts are not good documentation because they cannot be verified.
  16. A copy of the minutes from the PTA meeting where the resolution passed on the local level must be included with the resolution when submitted to Utah PTA Resolutions Committee.


Deadline Information

Resolutions must be received at the Utah PTA office no later than June 15 to be considered for action at the Advocacy Conference in October or November 15 to be considered for action at the Business and Resolutions sessions of the Utah PTA Leadership Convention in May. In the event that the 15th falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a holiday, the resolution will be accepted on the next business day. Resolutions submitted after the June 15 or November 15 deadline will not be presented at the next convention or conference.


Resolutions that do not have sufficient supporting documentation will not be considered. Resolutions are strengthened when the documentation has been thoroughly researched. Therefore, it is essential to submit thorough and sufficient documentation with each resolution.

ARTICLE XX: Committee on Resolutions

Section 1. The committee on resolutions shall consist of the president-elect, advocacy vice president, resolutions board specialist (if appointed) and the commissioners. The chair of this committee shall be the advocacy vice president. This committee shall study and consider all resolutions submitted to them. Those resolutions expressing a position or requesting certain action that is consistent with PTA Purposes will be sent to each member of the Utah PTA Board of Directors, to each council president, and to each local PTA and PTSA in membership at least thirty (30) days prior to the date for the opening of the annual convention. The convention delegates will take action upon those resolutions at the annual Utah PTA convention.

Section 2. Resolutions passed at the Utah PTA convention will be the responsibility of the appropriate commission for disposition of action. This action could be taken through legislative or commission programming or a combination of both.

Section 3. Resolutions passed at the Utah PTA convention shall bind the Utah PTA Board of Directors and the Executive Committee in positions of legislation and policy.

Section 4. Resolutions shall be reviewed on a yearly basis by the resolutions committee and will be declared by the Utah PTA Board of Directors (on recommendation of the resolutions committee) either accomplished or continuing active concerns.

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