Working with the Executive Committee
The Executive Committee consists of: Elected officers of the PTA, including President, President-elect, Secretary, Treasurer and Vice Presidents including the Administrative VP and teacher as specified in the unit bylaws
Duties of the Executive Committee
- Approves chairpersons and members of the commissions and the standing committees
- Approves the work plans of the commissions and the standing committees
- Schedules Board and association meetings
- Develops goals and a budget for the association for presentation to the Board of Directors and general membership for approval
- Makes a report of the Executive Committee action items at each Board meeting
- Select the Annual Financial Reconciliation (AFR) committee
Executive Committee Meeting
An executive committee meeting consists of the PTA Officers. Dates of these meetings are determined by the Executive Committee and announced at the beginning of the school year. Should there be a need, the PTA Executive Committee, or majority vote of the Board of Directors as outlined in the bylaws, can call a special meeting. The Executive Committee meets to set goals, and make recommendations to submit to the Board of Directors for approval.
Executive Committee Meeting Schedule
Generally, this group meets monthly and at least before every Board of Directors meeting to discuss any issues which may need to be addressed by the Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors
Board of Directors consists of:
- Elected officers, including the Administrative VP and Teacher VP
- Commissioners
- Chairpersons of standing committees (appointed)
Each Local PTA selects the number and title of the vice presidents and the committees needed at their school. However, Utah PTA has designated the following as leadership roles and commissioners:
- Legislation or Advocacy
- Leadership
- Communications
- Membership
- Community Engagement
- Education
- Family Life
- Health
- Individual Development
- Safety
- Student Leadership
From time to time, other special committees will need to be formed for specific functions and a limited time period, such as an AFR, nominations, or special event committee. Only members of the Local PTA shall be eligible to serve in elected or appointed positions.
Board of Directors Duties:
- Transact necessary business in the intervals between association meetings and such other business as may be referred to it by the association
- Create or dissolve standing or special committees
- Present a report at the regular meetings of the association
- Select an auditor or an AFR committee to reconcile the treasurer’s books
- Prepare and submit a budget for the fiscal year to the association for adoption
- Approve routine expenses within the limits of the budget
- Fill all vacancies in offices, except the President-elect, who should be elected by the general membership
***Please note that the Board of Directors does not have the authority to make or authorize expenditures that are not in the budget.
Board of Directors Meetings
The Board of Directors meets to make decisions and set goals that will then be brought to the membership for their approval.
Board of Directors Meeting Schedule
The Board generally meets monthly. Committee reports and issues are addressed at these meetings. The frequency of these business meetings is at the discretion of the local PTA and is not addressed in the bylaws.
General Membership
Who can be a member?
- Members should include parents, the entire school staff (including administrators), businesses, neighbors, and anyone who believes in the PTA Mission and Purposes. The general membership is all individuals who have paid dues to the local PTA for the current membership year.
Do individuals have to volunteer in order to be a member?
- Participation level in the PTA will vary greatly from member to member. Volunteers are welcome and can be a tremendous asset to a school community, but being able to volunteer is not a requirement for membership.
Privileges of membership available to all PTA Members:
- Can participate in all PTA/PTSA meetings
- Have a voice and vote at local, and may be delegate at, State and National PTA meetings
- Are eligible to serve as officers of a PTA
- Are members of Utah PTA and National PTA
- May receive leadership training
- Have a unified voice to influence legislation affecting children and youth
- Have the opportunity to work for the education health, safety, and welfare of children and youth
- Have access to National PTA’s “members only” website.
Membership benefits:
PTA membership provides many benefits (some intangible and others tangible) to card-carrying PTA members. National PTA, Utah PTA, many Councils and Local PTAs offer a variety of member benefits to PTA members from businesses and organizations. Many of these benefits are seasonal or event-related, while others last for an entire membership year. It is important that all members regularly receive information about this expanding list of member benefits. Visit the Utah PTA and National PTA websites for more information.
General Membership Meetings
What is a General Membership meeting and who should attend?
- A general membership meeting is a meeting of all PTA members who come together to conduct PTA business. All PTA members are encouraged to attend these meetings.
When does the General Membership meet?
- The number and months of the general membership meetings are outlined in the bylaws of the Local PTA.
- Utah PTA requires a minimum of three (3) general meetings per year.
Where do PTA meetings take place?
- General meetings are normally conducted at the school.
- Most PTAs have their Executive Committee and Board of Directors meetings at the school as well, but some do conduct meetings off school campus.
Why do members meet periodically?
- The general membership meets to hear recommendations from the local PTA leadership and to give approval or disapproval of the proposed recommendations.
- The PTA budget must be approved by the membership before any money can be spent.
- To improve membership attendance, it is recommended that the PTA sponsor an event or evening held in conjunction with the school.
- Only those who are PTA members have voting privileges at the general meeting.
Typical meeting agenda includes:
- Call to order
- Opening ceremonies (Pledge of Allegiance, flag ceremony, poem, song, or inspirational message)
- Reading and approval of minutes
- Report of the treasurer
- Letters or communications
- Report of the Board of Directors
- Reports of standing committees
- Reports of special committees
- Unfinished business
- New business
- Program (a program is not required at every meeting)
- Announcements
- Adjournment
During the appropriate times of the year, the following items should be included on the agenda and approved by the general membership:
- Budget
- Budget amendments
- Election of the Nominating Committee
- Election of officers