PTA Leadership Skills


Leadership is often defined as “the art of getting or inspiring people to do something.” It is not the same as

management, which is associated with accomplishing a task in an effective and efficient manner. A leader must

often use different leadership styles, depending on the situation and group.

People skills are a basic necessity in good leadership. A successful leader will involve everyone in the group in

any decision-making that will affect them.



A leader is one who can facilitate action and guide change. A leader takes people from where they are to where

they and the PTA want to go.

Some qualities of leadership are:

Organization and preparation of materials

  • An optimistic, positive state of mind
  • Enthusiasm for and belief in PTA
  • Emotional stability, which includes the ability to work with a variety of people and problems
  • Intellectual maturity, which allows the leader to define positions and deal with opposition

In addition, an effective PTA leader will have the following attributes:

  • Knowledge of the job: A leader will know the duties, study the bylaws of the association, learn parliamentary procedure, and be committed to PTA purposes
  • Willingness to establish goals and priorities with participation from the board and membership
  • Responsiveness to group members: A leader will invite questions and be available to everyone
  • Delegation of duties to others: Delegation not only lightens the leader’s load, it helps develop leadership skills in others
  • Wise handling of conflicts: Big problems grow from small problems; handle problems before they grow out of proportion
  • Dependability


Responsibilities of a Leader

  • Listen
  • Participate
  • Allow others to participate
  • Be enthusiastic
  • Develop a team spirit
  • Be positive
  • Be a problem solver
  • Treat all people fairly
  • Reward efforts
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