HCR003 | Concurrent Resolution Encouraging Consideration of a Later Start Time for High School

General Description: 

This concurrent resolution encourages school districts and charter schools to consider the possible benefits and consequences of a later start to the school day for high schools.

Bill Details
Governor Signed
Last Action: 
Mar 24, 2020
Democrat - District 32
Fiscal Note
Fiscal Note Amount: 
Utah PTA Response
Utah PTA Position
Support w/ Comment

Utah PTA appreciates the opportunity this Resolution gives us to begin the discussion regarding healthy sleep requirements of our adolescent children. We also recognize that each of our LEAs will need the local control to do what’s best for families, employees and resources regarding scheduling. 

Impact on Children: 

Natural sleep rhythms change as children grow into adolescence, such that adolescents require an increased amount of sleep, have difficulty falling asleep before 11:00 PM, and function optimally if permitted to remain asleep until 8:00 AM or later; and Studies have demonstrated that the duration of sleep is positively correlated with academic outcomes for secondary school students;

Student Leadership
Utah PTA Public Policy Program
National PTA and Utah PTA Resolutions: 

National PTA Resolution on Healthy Sleep for Adolescents

Resolved, That National PTA and its constituent associations encourage local stakeholders, policymakers and appropriate national organizations to collaborate in order to develop solutions and policies which provide opportunities for sufficient, quality sleep for teens reflective of their local community;

Utah PTA Legislative Priorities: 

4. Support safe practices and environments for all children.